It’s good to stumble…a little…now and then…

Tonight’s inaugural #etmooc Twitter chat was surprising for me. I’ve been using Twitter for some time now, mostly as a tool for maintaining personal social networks and aggregating news and research items.  I have used it as part of an informal learning network, too, to learn new skills from people with similar interests.…

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#etmooc Not a four letter word (anymore)

Two days have passed since the collaborative #etmooc experience. I'm catching up: The weather is much improved and I have a reliable Internet connection with which to move data. The point of this post is the cMOOC (connectivist Massive Open Online Course) as described during the #etmooc Orientation Week Activity.…

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#etmooc Not a four letter word (anymore)

Two days have passed since the collaborative #etmooc experience. I'm catching up: The weather is much improved and I have a reliable Internet connection with which to move data. The point of this post is the cMOOC (connectivist Massive Open Online Course) as described during the #etmooc Orientation Week Activity.…

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Twitter Introduction

I really appreciated tonight’s presentation as both a refresher-I put my hand up-and a source of good conversation and ideas.  In particular I appreciated that there was no attempt to talk over the audience.  As they say on Twitter, Thnx.

Again the event prompted me to make a decision on whether to create a TweetDeck or HootSuite and stop procrastinating! …

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#Etmooc here I come!

Having signed up for #etmooc I have been wondering if I will be able to actually do the tasks and here I am writing my first entry on the blog I just set up! I am very excited about being involved in the mooc, something I have never done before but I know I will learn heaps and connect with lots of other educators out there.…

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ETMOOC 2013 starts tomorrow…

Let the learning adventure begin!


I’ve completed the orientation for etmooc – my Google+ feed, TweetDeck, and my WordPress account is all set. I’m good to go!

With so many channels to follow, I could see that this learning experience may not be for everyone.…

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As part of MOOC MOOC I’ve spent a lot of time looking at Venn diagrams or c0ncentric type pictures. Within pictures such as these – maybe I am too visual – there is an inevitable structure given to data or events in our case student networks or zones of development of knowledge.…

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Gearing up for #etmooc

(Image adapted from picture by Ed Yourdon on flickr CC)

Let’s use technology in class for learning. (Image adapted from picture by Ed Yourdon on flickr CC)

You know what makes me cringe? When a professor complains about his not paying attention in class “because they’re on their computers [dramatic pause] facebooking!”…

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