Zombie Living

While most of you think of us as undead zombies do have a sense of style. Since we require human flesh to survive we often find ourselves living on the edges of society.
In places like this:

Not very pretty is it?…

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Zombies think of little else than food. How to get food, where to get food and how to get food. We need the flesh of a living human to survive, but not only that, we need their souls. For a few brief minutes as we lowly suck on the warm fresh heart of our dinner, we feel the warmth and joy of life that we have surrendered unwillingly to the zombie horde flood back into our bodies.…

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Twitter vs. Zombies 2.0 using Popcorn #2

So I thought I would talk about Popcorn Maker as educational software today rather than just sharing what I made with Popcorn. I am in the process of creating a new movie with Popcorn to experiment with the program so more, so as I warned before, there will be another Zombie movie coming to a browser near you.…

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#ETMOOC Introduction | Pete Rorabugh

My introduction to the #ETMOOC community (yes, it’s two weeks late; #yikes).

In the introduction I mention some articles; here are links:

Hybrid Pedagogy | A Digital Journal of Teaching and Technology
Learn Like An Arachnid: Why I’m MOOCifying  | Janine DeBaise
Links to follow within 24 hours for Twitter vs.…

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