Synthesis, Shifting Perspectives, and Storytelling: Hidden Garden Steps and #etmooc

Sometimes the slightest shift in perspective reveals the presence of stunningly beautiful interweavings that moments earlier hadn’t been obvious between various elements of our lives. That moment came for me this morning while viewing a colleague’s newly-posted video on YouTube.

etmoocCommunity, collaboration, and creativity in a variety of venues seemed to be coalescing into an incredibly beautiful tapestry as I watched  the video prepared by Hidden Garden Steps organizing committee co-chair Liz McLoughlin.

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Amazing Stories of Openness on the Web

It was a pleasure to share this story of openness that came out of #philosophy12 with Alan Levine‘s (aka @cogdog) newest incarnation of True Stories of Openness on the Web

We all start out in our educational careers (meaning when we were in kindergarten) knowing intrinsically the value of sharing.…

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The changes in the spanish law try to kill the integration, spanish teachers react with creativity.

Antonio es solo uno de los muchos ejemplos de integración que se dan en las escuelas españolas, si lo permitimos estos niños volverán a escuelas especiales para ellos y volverán a encerrarlos para que los demás no podamos disfrutar de ellos.…

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from LectureMaker Studio

Ron Fredericks writes: My wife, son, and I thought it would be fun to share our family video produced here in LectureMaker’s studio. As co-founders, we wish you all a great holiday season and great New Year.

The Photo

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Co-founders of LectureMaker video studio

The video was produced by taking a field trip to Christmas in the Park where we took a background photo.…

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Infuencers to Brand Advocates

Ron Fredericks writes: LectureMaker was on scene March 17, 2011, as the video streaming provider for this episode of “Think Influence” held at San Francisco’s BrightTALK office.

Simon Gerzina was the producer for the event. He gave me and my camera crew a fantastic learning experience, as we supported him during the event.…

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LectureMaker Trademark

News Update

LectureMaker was awarded a trademark today from the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the name: LectureMaker®.

Ron Fredericks, Co-founder of LectureMaker LLC, points out “The trademark award is an important step in the evolution of LectureMaker’s business model.

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