New course and a new app

Last week I started the MA in Distance and On-Line Education at the Open University.

During the gap from studying my last course to this, as well as having dyslexia, I have also been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Since the diagnosis I have been taking anti-psychotic drugs which are having an adverse effect on my short term memory.…

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Recommended apps

Wipes dust off blog. Eek has it really been almost a year 😮 During that time I’ve returned to my blog a few times but I’d well and truly lost my writing mojo.


Yesterday I put a call out on two of the JISC Mail lists (ILT-RSCEM and DIS-Forum) asking which apps people recommended to support students with their studies.…

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I’m back!

*wipes dust off blog*

Hello friends, it’s been a long time since I wrote anything on here!  In case your wondering there’s been a six month silence below are a few of the reasons why …

1.  I discovered that helping young people is what really makes me tick so I’ve changed jobs and returned to mentoring  

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Event report: ALT-C 2013

Last week I attended the 2013 Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C) which was hosted at the University of Nottingham. Alongside hearing about some fantastic projects it was a great opportunity to catch up with the people I’ve met since I started my first role as a learning technologist four months ago.…

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#MELSIG event report

On Friday I made my way back up north to attend the MELSIG event at the University of Huddersfield. As expected the conference was full of inspiration. Although all of the presentations and workshops were excellent the one that really stood out for me was Hayley Atkinson’s (@LadyColottes) presentation on ’Designing and Evaluating E-Book Resources‘.…

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Event report: International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning

Yesterday was a ‘first time day’ as I attend my first accessibility conference. The International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning Conference was held at Glasgow Caladonian University and had been organised as part of ENABLE project.

After the keynote the conference was split into 2 halves with themed sessions running in parallel with each other.…

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Event report: International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning

Yesterday was a ‘first time day’ as I attend my first accessibility conference. The International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning Conference was held at Glasgow Caladonian University and had been organised as part of ENABLE project.

After the keynote the conference was split into 2 halves with themed sessions running in parallel with each other.…

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Are your class a bunch of wallies?

tweet wally

Tweetwally’s that is. Tweet Wally is a free Twitter wall that filters tweets via #hastags, usernames or key words.The tool could be used for a variety of in-class activities including as a starter by posing a question at the start of class and asking students to tweet their replies.…

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Art and Design: Behance your students employability skills

Behance in an on-line portfolio and job site for artists and designers.

As well as uploading their work students can search the site for inspiration, follow their favourite artists and designers, show their appreciation by liking a post and leave and receive comments about theirs and others work.…

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