ELI Fall Focus 2012

As usual, the Educause Learning Initiative Focus webinar was excellent and has spurred plenty of good conversation about innovation on our campus. Below is a Storify of the lively backchannel and my Evernote notes are HERE. [View the story “ELI Fall Focus ” on Storify]


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Some dude not getting paid, doing it for his cousins



Prompted by a recent talk I attended by the brilliant Punya Mishra, I re-watched this 2011 Charlie Rose interview with Sal Khan. It was well worth the price of admission just to hear Punya’s point on the disconnect between the higher order skills Khan employs to create his videos (e.g.,…

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Backwards Design & Melding In-Class and Online Pedagogies

Below are two presentations we used in our Faculty and Organizational Development Spring Institute Workshop: “Tech-Savvy Teaching: Melding In-Class and Online Pedagogies.” It’s a little hard to follow out-of-context, but I was really proud of the fact that, before diving into technology tools, we spent almost a whole day on backwards design, big ideas/essential […]

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Anatomy of A Simple Course Intro Video


“Big ideas” and essential questions for your course (see Understanding by Design). Patience and discipline to do step #1 first and do it well… really. An instructor with a rough script of how they want to convey the big ideas for their course (it doesn’t hurt to have a quirky/snarky […]

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