One More Look @ Introversion: Digital Literacy and the Quiet Child

I wrote recently on how I use blogging to connect the introvert in my classroom  and have found it is making it much easier for my quiet students to connect to the lessons and participate with their classmates.  Something interesting is happening with one student in particular that I thought I’d share.…

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The Digital Storytelling Experiment

My students just finished a unit on the Moon.  We took a field trip to the Challenger Learning Center in our community and we were astronauts and mission specialists.  We had a ball.  At the debriefing at the end of our experience, we saw a video created by the interns at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston.  …

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Digital Storytelling: Embracing the Creative

I don’t think I like digital story telling.  There, I said it.

Yes, I have a story to tell. Yes, I can do this digitally.

No, I don’t wanna.

Maybe I’m just from another generation (I’m 51) and just like having the story in my head, after reading the words on a piece of paper.  …

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Connecting: One Last Thought – Connectivism and the Introvert

Still trying to catch up with things, I’m listening to Sue Waters talk about the ins and outs of Blogging with Your Students and I am thinking about my class website/blog and all the trouble I’ve been having getting my students to blog.…

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Connecting: Moving Forward

I have been so busy this week with things in my classroom and my teacher leadership class as part of my masters program that I haven’t had time to stop and smell the #etmooc until today.  So, while listening to George Couros talk about connecting to your administrators and using social media in a way that can change education and the way we all learn, I stopped and thought:  Who am I connected to and why?…

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Connecting: Classroom Projects

I’ve always felt to was important to be aware of how others in the world live, work and play.  I remember having a pen pal, from Arizona, when I was in 3rd grade.  We’ve lost touch, but I’ll always remember discovering truths about Native Americans, seeing pictures of the different ecosystems and learning a little Spanish.…

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Connecting: Doing It Without Trying (sorta)

This week was a lesson in overdoing.

In my classroom, we’re excited about an upcoming field trip where we will be “mission specialists” on a Moon Mission… I just finished “interviewing” all the “job applicants” and will spend the weekend placing everyone in their job positions so they can begin specific job training.  …

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Connecting: What Apps do YOU use?

The fun thing about owning a tablet is adding the apps you plan  to use in the classroom (and the games you use during staff meetings… shhhh)

Here’s my current fav.. Moon Phase for IPad (I also have a version for Android that is on my phone)

What sorts of apps do you use in the classroom?

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