
Zombies think of little else than food. How to get food, where to get food and how to get food. We need the flesh of a living human to survive, but not only that, we need their souls. For a few brief minutes as we lowly suck on the warm fresh heart of our dinner, we feel the warmth and joy of life that we have surrendered unwillingly to the zombie horde flood back into our bodies.…

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Gravatars and Blogger

So now I know why DS106 wanted me to use WordPress instead of Blogger. It’s because of the gravatar, a relatively simple thing to set up for WordPress (which I have done) but a horribly convoluted mess in Blogger. I was working my way through reading other Headless13 blogs, when I came across one of my posts.…

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What storytelling is to me.

So DS106 Headless has asked me to reflect on the idea of what I associate with the word storytelling? Um, that’s tough because I basically tell stories all the time. Someone asks about my day and the next thing I’m doing is conveying a story.…

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Why I am Headless this fall

Yesterday I posted about Design Thinking Action Lab on the last day of that particular course. I didn’t get as much out of it as I had hoped. However, I have enormously high expectations of Headless DS106. Why? Because I’ve been mucking about on the sidelines of DS106 even before I took ETMOOC.…

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Design Thinking Action Lab

Well I enrolled in Design Thinking Action Lab offered by NovoEd (the new name for Stanford’s Venture Lab) thinking it would be a similar experience to Designing in New Learning Environments (DNLE) which was the first MOOC I ever loved and led me to really immerse myself in the MOOC universe.…

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Using Piktochart

I have mixed feelings about Piktochart. I like that it was easy to sign up with a Google account. As a free user there are not a lot of themed pages for you to access (just seven) and you have to move to a pro account to get access to more.…

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On the last day of clmooc my true love gave to me….

Sung badly and off key…

Well, this is “officially” the last day of clmooc but if I know anything about community I would say that we’ll be meeting, making and reflecting together in the future. I certainly hope so. I still have to make a stop action film that I look forward to sharing.…

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Liebster Nominee

Well Sheri Edwards has sent me a challenge!
She’s nominated me for a Liebster so I have to follow the list below and answer her list of questions too.

Liebster Nomination Rules
1. Link back to the blog that nominated you.…

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Communicating, connecting and networking

So I’m still in reflection mode about my own learning so you’ll have to bear with one more clmooc reflection. And it’s not really so much a clmooc reflection as it is a reflection about 2013 so far, my “mooc” year.…

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Using the tools of the web

I am continuing to reflect on my learning within the clmooc environment. The learning curve in clmooc has not been as steep as either MoocMooc or ETMOOC as indicated by my prezi contribution of a few weeks ago. I’m not feeling guilty anymore because I don’t post on everyone’s contribution, I don’t always do all the work, and I am more forgiving of my mistakes.…

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