Post ETMOOC -April

So I promised a more analytical response of why etmooc was so valuable as a learning process and here it is. What is interesting is that even though I am no longer in the weekly/biweekly task mode for etmooc, as a post etmooc blog group member our group has maintained that biweekly format, I expect for continuity’s sake.…

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A Wonder for My Mental Beach-ETMOOC

As Christina Hendricks first said “This is my love letter to ETMOOC”

It is hard to believe that three months have gone by and that ETMOOC has passed so quickly. If you had said to me on New Year’s Eve that, “2013 would be the year you fully reconnect with not only your love of learning but your joy of teaching.”…

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Collective Wisdom: Using Aboriginal Knowledge as a Guide to Openness

Interesting how sense making converges. Not only rhizomatically but layered and scaffolded. Currently I am enrolled in three courses, ETMOOC, Aboriginal Worldviews and Education (AWE) and WomenLearningTech. I am also reading the Half Life of Facts. Last night we had a wonderful etmooc chat around K-12 open education discussing ideas about what does being open mean, the potential pitfalls and barriers as well as the opportunities openness brings to us and our students.…

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You say "condition", I say "continuum."

So #etmchat today was interesting. I am still having problems getting past literacy being a “condition” rather than a “continuum” and it really boils down to semantics, which means…..we’re both right? You see, getting down to it linguistically condition has multiple meanings.

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Who is Digital Literacy for?

So I am stuck in last week’s storytelling mode because I am still working with Popcorn Maker. While you can turn the sound off on the video you’ve downloaded, you can’t seem to be able to replace the sound track with another track ( I was thinking of replacing the sound track on Twitter vs.…

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Twitter vs. Zombies 2.0 using Popcorn #2

So I thought I would talk about Popcorn Maker as educational software today rather than just sharing what I made with Popcorn. I am in the process of creating a new movie with Popcorn to experiment with the program so more, so as I warned before, there will be another Zombie movie coming to a browser near you.…

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It’s a Wonderful Life, Barbie!

A six word story too!

So Tuesday’s Daily create on DS106 was to make a film of my favourite line in a movie. I decided to take Ken and Barbie out for a stroll again but I had a problem. Ken has no clothes and I didn’t have time to go shopping for a trench coat ( I was thinking ‘Casablanca’).…

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