Sampling the Audio Smorgasbord

This week was challenging and eye-opening as I know very little about audio.  I listened to four parts of Ira Glass’ series on storytelling.  His comment about creating crap for a couple of years before making something good was both encouraging and discouraging.  …

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Three Squealing Pigs and the Big Howling Wolf

For my story I decided to take a well fairy tale and try to tell it with just sound effects. The sound effects were all downloaded from, so some of the effects are not exactly as I envisioned.  The sounds of the pigs running away from the collapsed houses is actually the sound of a running bird and the straw house collapsing is paper debris.…

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First Foray into Radio

A radio bumper, a short advertisement for the radio station itself, sounds like an ideal first radio assignment.  I downloaded a Creative Commons instrumental track from ccmixter to use as the background, then I downloaded and installed Audacity.  With the help of some googling I was able to record my voice and pull in the instrumental track.…

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Storytelling – First Thoughts

What first comes to mind when I think of storytelling is the oral storytelling tradition.  I think of Icelandic sagas, nursery rhymes, fairy tails, myths, and stories that get passed from generation to generation orally.  I tend also to think of stories as having a narrative.…

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Beyond the Digital Facelift

Haiku Deck PresentationThis week, week two of the Headless DS106 Bootcamp, one of our tasks was to listen a recording of a talk that Gardner Campbell gave at OpenEd 2009, entitled “No Digital Facelifts“. Although many great ideas percolated through this presentation, I decided to focus on one small portion – what we need to do to get beyond the digital facelift in education.  

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Scrooge Discovers Peanut Butter

My first step in this assignment was to google the title “Say it like the Peanut Butter”. What allusion to popular culture had I failed to grasp and what key piece of information was I missing? Now I know how to pronounce the word “gif”.…

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Bootcamp Reflections

This was the first week of Headless DS106 and it made me think of the Hunter Thompson quote:

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow!

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Daily Create 593 – Personal Ad for Loch Ness Monster


Reclusive SGM (Single Green Monster) seeks companionship and possible species regeneration.  I enjoy sunsets, long swims underwater and terrifying the locals. If you are lucky, you may catch a glimpse of me on my webcam. Bounty hunters need not apply.…

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How to Hack eBooks in the Public Domain

As part of the Mozilla Teach the Web Project I created a Popcorn project about hacking public domain ebooks.  From that I decided to try using Haiku Deck to create a more visually compelling presentation with more information about how to actually do the hacking.  …

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