RULA LibraryBox Takes Shape

RULA LibraryBox LogoThe Ryerson University Library and Archives LibraryBox, a self-contained, wireless digital resource-sharing device, is finally taking shape.  At present it consists of a selection of public domain ebooks (including a couple available in Canada only) and a sampling of OER textbooks made available from OpenStax College and the BC Open Textbooks Project.…

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Creating a LibraryBox

TP-Link Router and Peripherals

TP-Link Router and Peripherals

I have wanted to try creating a LibraryBox, a self-contained, wireless digital resource-sharing device for a long time now.   I finally took the plunge and ordered a TP-Link Wireless Router, the basic hardware requirement for a LibraryBox from Amazon.  …

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Hacking Public Domain ebooks for use in the Classroom

Video of Hacking Public Domain ebooks for use in the ClassroomThe assignment for Week 4 of Teach the Web has merged with the assignment for Week 5 as the whole project took much longer than expected.  My idea was to put together a small Popcorn project on how knowing a little HTML and CSS can let you augment public domain ebooks to provide an enhanced learning experience.  …

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Open Web Projects

Every day there seems to be yet another exciting open library/book project announced on the web.  Here are just a few recent ones that I think are interesting.

LibraryBox Project

Jason' Griffey's LibraryBox

cc (BY-NC-SA) licensed flickr photo by The Shifted Librarian

LibraryBox is a project that not only lets you carry around a whole library of public domain books in your pocket, it also lets you make those books available to anyone else in the immediate vicinity via the wifi capabilities of the box.  …

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Making ebooks

Link to book on iBookstore

Link to book on PressBooks siteAs part of my study leave, I have been looking at creating ebooks.  So far I have used various tools including iBooks Author, the free software from Apple that lets you create books for their iBookstore, and PressBooks which is an ebook creation platform based on WordPress.…

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Mozilla Cakepop Maker and Augmented Perry Apps

Mozilla Cakepop MakerJust like drawing something forces you to really look at it, remixing something brings a deeper understanding of the artifact and how it was created.  My remixing activity involved remixing a Popcorn project.  I had looked at creating a Popcorn project a couple of times previously, but was always thrown off by the “import video” imperative as I didn’t have a video to import.…

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Making as Learning – Week 1 of Teach the Web

WebMaker IntroductionThis week I hacked my own Flickr page with X-Ray Goggles and created a WebMaker profile with Thimble (although I have to admit the Thimble Create an Animal project was tempting).

Did I learn?  Yes, but perhaps I would have learned more doing the Popcorn intro as I already knew some HTML and CSS.  …

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Teach the Web

Time for another MOOC.  ETMOOC was incredibly interesting and valuable, so when I received an email about Mozilla’s Teach the Web course, I couldn’t help but sign up.  Topics to be discussed include:  Making as Learning, Connected Learning, Open Web, Webmaking as Learning.…

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3D Printing

In February after attending the O’Reilly TOC Conference I had the chance to visit 3DEA’s 3D printing pop-up shop in New York.  I had read a bit about 3D printing but had never seen it in action so this was a great opportunity to see what it was all about.  …

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Museum in a Box – April 2013

Digital storytelling, the DS106 daily create, and content curation have led me to embark upon a project I’ll call Museum in a Box.  Because I know I will not be able to do this daily or even weekly, I’ll try for a year of monthly museum displays in a box.  …

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