Thanks to Comments, I Feel Connected-Best learning day ever!

Today, I opened my email account and yes there are comments to be moderated on my blog. I cannot begin to describe how excited I got! Still am! Wow, comments are a driving force and the pleasure you receive is odd to say the least.…

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Where are the Comments? Learning Communities and #etmooc

I was going to tweet this after listening to the last 15 minutes of Dean for #etmooc on connected learning tonight. My mind has been spinning. Here’s my issue. Comments can break a great blogger and no I do not mean poor comments, I mean no comments, I have been teaching blogging for gosh, three years now and it is by far my biggest complaint or issue from students.…

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I Need Connected Learning- #ETMOOC

Ok, here it is a Sunday afternoon and as football looms on the TV, I have just spent 3+ hours looking over various #etmooc sessions run this week as well as looking over google plus for intro’s and new posts to see what’s going on and who likes what.…

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#Etmooc – Learning More EveryDay

Today I came into the last 35 minutes of the #etmooc session. Wow, what amazing content. It certainly changed my thoughts on how much I thought I was connected. I’m really not. It seems that it is truly worth the effort of working with all of the new tools we have with web 2.0.…

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