syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Recording and Reporting

Wrapping my head around SBA required figuring out the role of PowerSchool. As I mentioned in the previous post, PS’s standards features do not communicate as I would like them to. Here’s a bit of the process I went through to make PS work for me.…

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Blog Migration Notes: Users

The Whole Gang, 50 Days old by Dean Searle Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License

There is some background to this project in a previous post: Glow Blogs Summer 2014.

Before the migration of the glow portal Education Scotland suggested that schools did some pruning and tidying of their glow groups to make migration easier (less data) and so that users had less to sort through and sort out on the other end.…

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3 Active Learning Strategies That Push Students Beyond Memorization

Those who teach in the health disciplines expect their students to retain and apply every iota of learned material. However, many students come to us having achieved academic success by memorizing the content, regurgitating that information onto an exam, and promptly forgetting a good portion of it.

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Makerspace All The Things

Every conference I’ve attended in the last year and a half has offered a session on Makerspaces. For the uninitiated, Makerspaces are places were community members can plan and create projects. Many of these spaces have an engineering design focus where participants can use tools to build creations.…

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Life in Links 2014-08-11

Chain black&white by yostD7000
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

A few things from my Pinboard bookmarks from the last week.

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Getting Rough

In order to actually use this blog effectively, I’m going to have to get rough. My previous posts have hardly been polished gems, but my thinking/writing needs to be even rough in order to make my learning visible.…

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APA 2014 Presentation

Effects of Synchronicity and Belongingness on Face-to-Face and Computer-Mediated Constructive Controversy Full Paper


Abstract: Adapting face-to-face (FTF) pedagogies to online settings raises boundary questions about the contextual conditions in which the same instructional method stimulates different outcomes. We address this issue by examining FTF and computer-mediated communication (CMC) versions of constructive controversy, a […]

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Time to Level up

Time for Lunch by David Gallagher

Photo courtesy of David Gallagher via flickrcc license

Hooray! I am two units into the Google Certification for Educators.

Whew! Time to  pause and reflect. 

At the end of Unit Two  I’ve:

  • clocked 37 hours of PD time
  • written, tabbed and highlighted 82 pages of notes
  • answered more than 150 multiple choice questions
  • learned a hell of a lot.
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The #DLTV2014 Conference

It is hard to believe it is only a bit over a week since the first Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria Annual Conference.  It was a two day conference focussing on using digital tools for teaching and learning and innovation in our classrooms, which is the core focus of DLTV, the newly formed subject association.  …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs