syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Conference With A Difference #ASCA14

I have been to many school counselling conferences over the years, but this one was different why?

1. CONNECTING : As much as I loved Michelle Obama and I did believe me. I’ll share more about that later. I love connecting with people in real life, people that can and do support you, people that make a difference in your life and you get to share that F2F.…

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What I’m Using: Projeqt (Real-time presentations using twitter and Google Docs)

This is really cool, and I can think of about 100 uses immediately, from running an improvised presentation to providing a way for the front-channel and backchannel to interact automatically.

projeqted – dynamic presentations for the classroom

Real-time presentations with dynamic slides.

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FUSE14 and Designing for Engagement

Sometime last fall I stumbled onto design thinking (DT) and was immediately drawn to its grounding in working with and for people. DT, to put it simply, is a process (or, if you prefer, the DT “mindset”) that can be summed up as “people-centered problem solving with a bias toward action.”…

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Summer Craft I

Grand Finale

Clapper BoardFireworks are synonymous with celebrating The 4th of July. I have fond memories of vising the Capitol and watching the amazing fireworks display when I was in college. It was a huge production: crowds of people,  public transportation, vendors and (of course) the fireworks show.…

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Social Networking in the Classroom: Talking to Students about Sexting


Responsibile digital citizenship is something that everyone should be addressing in schools. It is important to be proactive in our approaches, rather than simplying reacting to all situations. Josh provides a variety of suggestions for opening up discussions and learning opportunities.

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ISTE2014 and Collaboration

After a week in Atlanta for FUSE14 and ISTE2014, my head is spinning. It was an extraordinary experience, and I learned so much that it’s going to take months to sort it all out. Most of all, it was a invigorating and inspiring to spend quality time in person with so many amazing people (thanks +Dominique Dynes for the picture below!).
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#OCL4Ed: Activity 3.1

This multiple choice activity is in response to Activity 3.1 of #OCL4Ed.

A graphic designers in education very often get request similar to the following.

1. To use a graph from a government institution in a layout of a study guide.…

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Investigating MOOCs, Part 2 of a #CLMOOC List

This is the second in a series of posts about Pierre Dillenbourg’s 1999 article What do you mean by ‘collaborative learning’?, which introduces his book Collaborative-learning: Cognitive and Computational Approaches. I became interested in Dillenbourg when a Rhizo14 Facebook conversation favorably referenced him and this article.…

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Genius Hour Broken Down Into Steps

Many folks have asked me to break Genius Hour down into steps (especially in regards to how to introduce Genius Hour) so here is a little chart that I made that hopefully helps.  Take your time with steps 1,2, and 3 and then let the students lead the way when it is time to Inquire, Self-reflect and Share.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs