syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Cup of Joe

Cup of Joe

Each morning as I pulled into the parking lot of school, I was greeted by the same internal monologue that clouded my mind with doubt, anxiety and fear. I don’t know if I can do this. What was I thinking?…

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At a loss for assignment ideas for an Educational Leadership course? Check these out!

Think Outside the BoxDiscussions: A crucial aspect of learning is to create a sense of community among students – to encourage an engaged exchange and discussion of ideas. Assigning discussions based on reading materials and video micro-lectures is a great method to establish community.

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Year 7 Sharing their Learning

Year 7 have created Maths posters to show some of the new maths terms and ideas they have been learning. These will be displayed on the digital display screens around the school in the coming weeks.

Pic Collage and Strip Design were a perfect apps, however, one student also decided to take the opportunity to learn how to use videoscribe.…

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Project Roundtable: How should we (teachers and leaders) plan our own Summer PD?

*Once you RSVP, please put your info on the Planning Doc*:

*Roundtable Audience*: 
The audience for this roundtable is teachers and leaders who are asked to do and learn a lot of things over the summer, but who would like to start putting together their own plan for summer professional learning. …

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Faculty Spotlight: Spring 2014 Faculty Research Grant Recipients, Part 1

We are going to spend the next several weeks spotlighting the recipients of the Spring 2014 Faculty Research Grants. Get to know these distinguished faculty members below!

Dr. Amanda HawkinsName: Dr. Amanda Hawkins

University: Columbus State University

Title of Proposal: Reflection on retention: How to help minority students succeed in an RN-BSN program

Bio: Amanda Hawkins is an Associate Professor of Nursing and coordinates the RN-BSN program at Columbus State University.

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Living Aware … Living Informed … Living Empowered

Alec presenting

I’ve been thinking a lot about mental health and wellness since our mental health symposium facilitated by Alec Couros. Thinking about and discussing mental health is so important. This day was a culmination of five months of meeting with students and staff to discuss what we would like to do.…

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Finding Purpose on #slowchatED

The Purpose Economy

N.B.: This post is duplicated in the #slowchatED blog.

I’m excited to host a #slowchatED discussion on finding purpose within education the week of June 9, since it’s a topic I’ve become very invested over the course of this past year.…

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Why STEM Matters

Throughout the month of June, we will be highlighting topics specific to the Education discipline.

In light of finding the Top Education Degrees infographic below on “Why STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Matters,” we asked a couple members of our leadership team at Academic Partnerships the question, “Why do the STEM disciplines matter?”

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Turbulence and Dialogue in Rhizo14

Ronald L recently shared with me a link to Nicholas C. Burbules’ article The Limits of Dialogue as a Critical Pedagogy (2000), which explores and challenges “the claims made on behalf of dialogue as an inherently liberatory pedagogy”. It takes Burbules over half of his document to get to his primary issue with dialogue as a pedagogical strategy, but basically, he is troubled by how dialogue in …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs