syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs


Talking the Talk

Curtis Voelker is an Admissions Counselor at Central Penn College. He spoke to the 10th and 11th grade Retail Marketing & Sales students at DCTS.  His presentation topic was communications — it was informative and engaging.…

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Hi Natasa, loved the drones for schools slide. Not…

Hi Natasa, loved the drones for schools slide. Not sure how it works but it reminds me of street corner teaching where someone starts talking about what they do and others gather by curiosity and the chance to engage. It may not be functionally understandable but because it isn't entirely purposeful or structured I think most people can grab sense from it.…

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It's really great to read these posts. In one …

It's really great to read these posts. In one of George Siemens's recent lectures he said if he were to conceive a class he would have his students enroll in a Coursera course, with better materials than he could provide, and then conduct that class as a discourse around that content.…

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This DIY toolkit of innovation tools is pretty impressive, and I think could help almost anyone who is looking to create new knowledge or understanding of a given problem or those who are trying to actively solve complex issues. Go and have a look!…

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Vance's Multilieracies was my gateway drug to …

Vance's Multilieracies was my gateway drug to MOOCs…he's still pushing. Seriously, thought the course is a great prep — tools, essential skills (especially tagging). He was one of the first to emphasis it importance and how it crosses over between social media platforms, connects (there's that word) again.…

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The Question of Power and Technology in Online Spaces

Since the official end of Rhizo14, I’ve been spending much of my time grading papers and reading the precipitate from the cMOOC thunderstorm. The #rhizo14 garden is growing, meandering, carving new channels for itself—yes, mixing metaphors with wild abandon, and it is amazing to watch this happen.…

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Using Google Glass and Hangouts for Learning English (in Vietnam)

This looks really interesting. I love the idea of being “live” with an in-person experience. 

Topica: Vietnamese education startup uses Google Glass to teach English

As this video shows, Google Glass is being used to allow a teacher that sits at home to coach students that go to a local coffee shop in Hanoi, Vietnam.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs