syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Teaching uncertainly #rhizo14


The topic for this past week in #rhizo14 was embracing uncertainty. A familiar topic in my work context. Kimberly Scott, the Director of the Master’s Program in Learning & Organizational Change (my professional home), openly tells graduate students to get used to playing in the ambiguity sandbox.…

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Print, Stupidity, and #rhizo14

I’ve just listened to a TVO audio lecture by Don Tapscott, in which Tapscott “refutes the belief that the internet is turning today’s youth into ‘the dumbest generation'”. The 55 minute lecture is worth listening to in its entirety, but the relevant section for this discussion starts near the end at 41:18 where Tapscott recounts a meeting with the academic leaders at Florida State University …

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How will you share your classroom?

As I reflect upon #EdCampDenver, the one thing that keeps on coming back to me is a conversation I had with +Katie Christie about sharing between teachers and districts.

Essentially, it goes like this in my head: “If teachers shared even half of the great things they were doing in their classrooms, schools would never be the same.”

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The Big History Project: Science with the largest scope imaginable.

I’m really intrigued by this project. Is anyone using it in their classrooms?

Big History Project

A STORY FOR EVERYONE Explore 13.7 billion years of shared history and consider the big questions about our Universe, our planet, life, and humanity. From the big bang to modern day to where we are going in the future, big history covers it all.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs