syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

#etmooc revisited 1 yr anniversary

It’s a freakish thing to realize 12 months has vanished. The fun conclusion; however, is how much you can grow. Life can get in the way.  Personally, disaster may ( and will ) strike here and there but from a

Reflective thinking...

Reflective thinking…Class ’74 Yearbook

professional perspective, one can learn new approaches and implement them in quite a short time.…

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Dr. Alec Couros- continues to inspire me


January 14, 2014

To Whom It May Concern:


As a former student participant in #Etmooc2013 I would love to nominate Dr. Alec Couros for the Teaching Award of Excellence for Flexible Learning. I joined #Etmooc in January 2013 as a relative rookie to the field of educational technology.…

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#etMOOC +1: The Power of People

As we celebrate the first anniversary of #etMOOC*, I am overwhelmed with the stories of growth and sharing and learning.

* For those who hear about how MOOCs are a trend, a fad, a failure or a passing phase, here is the kind of MOOC I am referring to:

#etMOOC connected people.…

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Thank You Alec Couros

Thank you Alec Couros for being my teacher and role model for the past 4 years.

I first met you as a mentor through the Powerful Learning Practice. It was exciting to find a Canadian who was actively modeling what being a Connected Educator could look like.…

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Rhizome-plosion (Part II) #rhizo14

I wrote Rhizome-plosion about a year ago while attending #etmooc. It was my first opportunity to hear Dave Cormier share his thinking and at that time I was struck by the theme of shifting power – changing the dynamic between instructor and learner.…

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Using Google Hangouts with Students

I thought these guidelines were good for using hangouts to connect classrooms together.

Original Post from Sylvia Duckworth:

If you have administrators who are reluctant to let you use Google Hangouts with your students, here is are the guidelines that our school has recently drawn up.

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Is 173 tabs open at one time, too many?

Finally, a cure for my habit of opening all those tabs and never closing them because I “might need them.”

Original Post from Caroline Bucky-Beaver:

Onetab for Chrome.  I love it! For someone who usually has at least three windows open with zillions of tabs in each one – THIS is going to be my saving grace!

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs