syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

This is one of the best articles on Glass I have read. It speaks to much of my experience with wearing…

This is one of the best articles on Glass I have read. It speaks to much of my experience with wearing Glass in public. What do you all think of where he ends up?

For much of 2013, I wore the future across my brow, a true Glasshole, peering uncertainly into the post-screen world.

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How are you planning 2014? The Project Roundtable Launch

I have been thinking for quite some time that I need to plan out a series of hangouts on various topics, but my process thus far is every few weeks a new idea would come to me and I would set up the event.…

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#anticorruzionePA – Un passo avanti

Il corso, Mooc Trasparenza e anticorruzione, si è concluso il 13 dicembre mentre io sono ancora alle prese con i primi argomenti, devo conseguentemente prendere atto che il proposito di scrivere un post a settimana è naufragato. Non poteva essere altrimenti date le difficoltà che ho incontrato, e incontro, col linguaggio giuridico.…

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#anticorruzionePA – Un passo avanti

Il corso, Mooc Trasparenza e anticorruzione, si è concluso il 13 dicembre mentre io sono ancora alle prese con i primi argomenti, devo conseguentemente prendere atto che il proposito di scrivere un post a settimana è naufragato. Non poteva essere altrimenti date le difficoltà che ho incontrato, e incontro, col linguaggio giuridico.…

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Career Education and Work

Career Acquisition 101

Objectives – 80% of students will complete the objectives with a minimum of 80% competency.


  1. Create a career portfolio — an individualized collection of material — to be used for mock job interviews and DECA competition
  2. Create a resume, a cover letter and a follow-up thank you letter according to current industry standards
  3. Demonstrate appropriate interview behaviors in a simulated job interview according to teacher criteria
  4. Structure answers to job interview questions using STAR technique (Situation, Task, Action, Result)


Examples of EQ's used throughout the unit.

Examples of EQ’s used throughout the unit.

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First MOOC finished and statement has arrived!

Here is a big “thank you, thank you, than you!” to the amazing staff at Coursera and Wisconsin University for working so hard on the Video Games and Learning MOOC I have just finished and thoroughly enjoyed.

Particular thanks to Constance Steinkuehler and Kurt Squire.…

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Student created content and iBooks!

Armed with our new website and prepared with the experience of the Happy Prince, we were over the moon when International Grammar School approached us to do another iBook. This time it was a much larger project: three books publishing compositions of three classes of Year 8 students.…

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Our Business and website!

Now that Christmas and the Relative Marathons are over I can tell you what we have been up to… we have started a consultation business – Wrightstuff Interactive. It has taken months putting together the website and finishing a few of our first projects but I am really quite chuffed with the results.…

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Happy Prince iBook

Little background info for the next post…

Last year we worked with students at the International Grammar School to create a iBook. The students were apart of an extension group identified as gifted in music composition that Samuel, as Composer in Residence, was working with.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs