syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

The ‘How do you “Coach” Blended Learning?’ Roundtable

This event was organized with the help of +Tracey Kracht  of Liberty Public Schools (KS) in order to connect Blended Learning coaches across time zones. If you are a blended learning coach (or would like to be one some day), please join on the hangout or as a viewer.…

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On Conferences, Twitter, and the Novice-Expert Journey

Yesterday I read Rebecca Hogue’s blog about her experience at #MRI13, Impostor in the Room, and felt compelled to respond…I attended three conferences over the past month, and like Rebecca I am a doctoral student still navigating the journey from novice to expert, so I often feel like an impostor in rooms filled with people who have become pseudo-celebrities in my professional life as I must stand on their shoulders to build my dissertation. …

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Educational Complexity and Open Systems

The fourth property of complexity that both Taborga and Lawrimore discuss within the context of modern organizations is openness or, as Lawrimore terms it, adaptability. This is, I think, a particularly critical property of complexity and most relevant to my current conversations about education, especially the conversation about MOOCs.…

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Week 6 – Video Games and Learning and Course Rap-up

Yay! This week focuses on gaming in education. In the intro today Constance said the participation is over 40,000 people for this course! Thats amazing.

Technology: Inside verse Outside the Classroom.
Cheryl: technology to amplify learning in the classroom
John: technology in competition with classroom

Our goal to move towards creating classrooms were Cheryl is the norm.…

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Week 5 – Video Games and Learning – Scientific Reasoning

In this video the lecturer is talking about what role scientific reasoning – thinking in mathematical scientific ways – has in gaming in MMO games. In a study she conducted the following scientific practices were gleaned from AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) standards and divided into three categories.…

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Week 5 – Video Games and Learning – Social Studies

Sorry this post is so late. Week 5 has been really dense in content I am particularly interested in and I didn’t want to rush through just for the sake of finishing. We have also been having a busy time at home with family and work – published student created iBooks for Wrightstuff Interactive (post about soon…).…

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Free Webinar – Promoting Excellence Online: How to Develop Excellent Online Instructors

Promoting Excellence Online: How to Develop Excellent Online Instructors Webinar - December 12, 2013With the continued growth of online learning has come increased focus on what constitutes best practices in online teaching. The training of online instructors has not kept pace with the demand for excellence in the online environment, however. The result has been poorly constructed courses, high levels of student attrition from online courses, and continued allegations that online education is simply not as rigorous as its face-to-face counterpart.

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Quiet Thinkers

Introversion or a Need for a Frame?

Since my last blog post, I have reflected on what it is that holds me back from being a fully engaged blogger. I certainly like the clarity that writing brings; however, something still feels awkward when it comes to publishing a blog. …

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The Value of Penny Kittle PD

Charged with the task of trying to articulate what has Penny Kittle done to transform my teaching, and trying to persuade administration to support a 7-12 Professional Development opportunity for our teachers, feels like a daunting task – but a worthy task.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs