syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Setting the Stage for Learning

I’m an aesthetic kind of person.  Setting really matters to me! Theories about what works best in classroom design and structure, to optimize student engagement, has been an obsession of mine.  I have worked so hard to create an ambiance and space of learning, peace and calm – a home.…

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Twitter Verse & Digital Citizenship via @Verenanz

One of the the things that I love about Twitter is how it allows me to have real time conversations: I talk about mundaine things, collaborate, share resources, participate in Twitter Chats and play games of Twitter vs. Zombies.

Sometimes the conversations take place over a longer period of time, like the riff below that started with Verena sharing an excellent infographic she saw at Edudemic that had Teachable Moments for Digital Citizenship” target=”_blank”Teachable Moments for Digital Citizenship for teachers and included Julie Balen in Manitoulin Island in Ontario, Verena Roberts and Susan Spellman Cann in Calgary and me here in Edmonton.…

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Formação continuada

Voltando ao inicio, ao meu objetivo de que não seria viável relacionar a tutoria a uma formação continuada, depositei em postagens, frases soltas, escritas, que demonstram a visão diferenciada dos alunos sobre o tutor, e finalmente abordar rapidamente que estas propostas não combinam.…

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Educational Complexity and Organizational Recursion

A second property of complexity is what Edgar Morin calls organizational recursion. Taborga and Lawrimore both use the more common term feedback, which I think fails to capture the richer implications of the complex interactions inherent in complex systems, but feedback provides an easier starting place with organizational recursion, so I start there.…

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Teaching online with no Internet connection?

Dare Them #Goal 17 and Share a Lesson, #Goal 7 for #30GoalsEduChallenge

Today I was teaching online a student who lives in the middle of nowhere far from my place.
It was raining, and very often bad weather conditions results in poor or no internet connection in her side of the world.…

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Learning and Change


Jeff Merrel and Kimberley Scott of Northwestern University have extended their 5 week PLN seminar, by offering a Google Plus Community called “Learning and Change”. There are already some very significant discussions occurring in this community. I am posting one example here on my blog site because it ties into some of my own thinking about change management.…

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E-book – pre design stage

Once we set the goal to create students’ E-Textbooks, we started the editing work. In fact this editing work provided a lot of learning, not only were my students editing but they were reviewing, and evaluating to what extend those achieved goals were still active.…

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#MCN2013 Presentation – MOOCs and Museums

I presented the theory and modeling behind my practical learning model the MOOCseum to an energetic and excited group of museum practitioners at the Museum Computer Network in Montreal on November 23, 2013.  Despite three separate issues with linking my computer to the projector (somewhat cursed these past two presentations), I kept on-point with the presentation, and feedback was not only well-received but unique to practical issues, important for me as both a scholar as well as a practitioner.…

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Complexity and Systems

I’ve reviewed my posts, and I notice that complexity has been dominating my writing for the past several months. I’ve looked at my reading list, and it appears that it will dominate for several more months. I’m plowing through lots of ideas that are new or almost-new to me, but I feel some need to stop pushing outward and pause long enough to see where my boundaries have gotten to.…

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What I’m Learning: The Facilitation Toolbox

I came across this toolbox for helping folks to facilitate online learning and online communities of practice. I really like the advice that they present, as well as their focus on curating and facilitating experiences. I also really like that they used a Google+ hangout to help develop the content for this organic course structure.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs