syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

When the sun shines through…..

In today’s school visit I had a chance to teach 24 eleven year olds from Niels Steensens.  It was a lovely experience and I had a chance to work with the students for around 90 minutes.  After looking at some images of Australia and thinking about the different perspectives the students had an opportunity to ask questions.  …

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Storytelling – First Thoughts

What first comes to mind when I think of storytelling is the oral storytelling tradition.  I think of Icelandic sagas, nursery rhymes, fairy tails, myths, and stories that get passed from generation to generation orally.  I tend also to think of stories as having a narrative.…

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Video Animation Project for Motorola Engineering Team

The problem: How to quickly explain the value proposition for an engineering project to global decision makers.

The process: I worked with the director of product management in Motorola’s cloud services team to document a typical use case that would exemplify the project’s value proposition.…

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Identity, Love, and Catfishing

Social Media’s Growing Impact on Relationships - Infographic

I recently received the following message via email. I’ve omitted a small portion of the text to protect the privacy of the sender and have only corrected a few spelling errors to improve the overall readability of the passage.

I know you do not know me, but I had to share something with you.  

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Superhuman! My return from the dead, maybe.

I’ve been rendered a human again,  a gift of love from @JLVala. |It’s been odd to return to my human form, especially since I was a zombie almost from the beginning of the plague. As a zombie, I was a ruthless killer, hunting down unsuspecting prey, trapping them, relentlessly stalking humans.…

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Stormy weather in schools forces kids to stay home

Our first outing in Copenhagen is to the Technical Education Copenhagen,  who educate 4000 upper secondary school students taking the more vocational track.  Students in Copenhagen have a choice at age 16 of following a more academic stream at gymnasium or move on to a technical HTX school which incorporates academic threads with more vocational subjects.…

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What Story Means and How It Matters

There’s a high school chemistry teacher I know. He’s unsatisfied with his job and his life. He can’t afford to support his family on a teacher’s salary, so he has to work a part time job at a car wash where his boss belittles him everyday.
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Out of gas

Let me sing you a lullaby as we lull you to sleep.

Life is short and painful
but death is long and deep.
In life, friends are fleeting,
in death they’re the ones you eat.
Slip the chains of your mortality,
Enter the depths of calm,
Being undead is so moving,
you’ll wonder why you waited so long.…

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Perfect 10 in Program for Online Learning already!


Flikr image attribution to: squarecicle

10 – It seems like the perfect number, mark and direction we are  looking for – a perfect 10!

That is the score I achieved on the POT program’s  Beginner’s Questionnaire. The fact that I don’t even have the energy or desire to check what the total could have been for me – tells me that I really like this “perfect 10”.  …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs