syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Google Glass creator says fear-based testing regimes block technology | Education | The Guardian

Google Glass creator says fear-based testing regimes block technology | Education | The Guardian.

Sebatian Thrun in today’s Guardian argues that..well.He argues a lot of things, according to Jemima Kiss.

Here’s some of them.

He argues that education should learn a lot from gaming.…

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Back to School and Common Core Ready

Hello All.

Now that Labor Day has passed and we are on into the school year, what are you feeling? I mean about Common Core. Many, I find, are still skeptics and surprisingly enough… naysayers. Well, you might as well buckle down because like it or not… Common Core is here.…

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#ds106 “Disruptive Wonder” for Growth- Week One in Retrospect

Headless #ds106 has, as artist and designer Kelli Anderson puts it, “opened a humble backdoor into understanding a reality that is infinitely surprising.” In one week, Headless #ds106 Bootcamp has challenged me to create daily, take risks, find my visual voice and digital identity, and fearlessly build my personal cyberinfrastructure so I can share my story with those who care to hear it.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs