syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Students create their own content

“Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm” – Earl Nightingale

I have just finished an extraordinary 5 week adventure exploring and learning at Design Thinking Action Lab by Stanford University Online.

So, I wonder if I am able to put into practice some things we worked on.…

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Bootcamp Reflections

This was the first week of Headless DS106 and it made me think of the Hunter Thompson quote:

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow!

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Personal learning networks – notes and resources

Some thoughts and partial thoughts as I work through a collection of readings and resources on personal learning networks (PLNs) as they apply broadly to professionals and learners of all types. These readings will be part of Exploring PLNs: Practical Issues for Organizations, an open online seminar I will be co-facilitating this Fall.…

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Are We bold (and brave) Enough to Educate Children of Today and the Future?

Are we bold (and brave) enough to educate children of today and the future? Are we REALLY willing to do whatever it takes? Can we push our thinking, let go, and recognize that significant systems and pedagogical shifts are necessary?  Can we craft future learning environments that leverage all that technology offers?
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Shoes, Anniversaries, and Wonder Woman!

So, yesterday was Giulia’s birthday in ds106 world. Today Google said it was Rochelle’s, (someone who submits a lot of the daily creates, I’ve noticed), and #ds106  is celebrating the 600th anniversary of the Daily Creates! We also can’t forget it’s the last day of the first week for #ds106 new recruits!
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Create Interactive eBooks with Bookry

Faculty eCommons

Do you use iBooks Author? If so, you need to know about Bookry. Boorky is a free service that offers iBook Author users a growing library of widgets to create interactive eBooks.
Boorky is easy to ……

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Student loan over payments.. how many of us are owed money!??

I can’t believe what a ridiculously inept system is being used by the student loans company.  The website I use to see how much money I have outstanding is 18 months behind my actual balance. This is because they’re waiting for my P60 to be sent through to them.…

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Giulia Forsythe, We’re Happy You’re Here!

Giulia Forsythe was born today! And the world hasn’t been the same. She’s made it different and beautiful for her mom and her dad, her family and friends. Giulia’s being here is no coincidence.  There are many reasons why she’s here.
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Guiding Questions for #MOedchat TONIGHT Aug. 29, 9pm Central time! (VISUAL STORYTELLING)

Our Missouri #moedchat topic for 8/29/13 9pm Central is Visual Storytelling. Glad I’m moderating it with +Ken Corum and +Barbara Warren Madden because 1) they’re awesome and 2) moderating a topic makes me dig deeper as a learner. 

The 3 guiding questions for #moedchat are ones I idea-bandited from +Ken Shelton and company.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs