syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

I wanna be a potato- Keeping up my studies from the other side of the world

Today I am starting the Courseara course “Social Psychology” by Dr. Scott Plous. Last spring I took a leadership course which I found very interesting but disconnected from as it was so large and the professor was unaware of the difference between conducting a lecture and facilitating an online forum.…

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Learning with LEARN Quebec – Part 1

CC image - experienceRetrieved from: with a CC License.

It is back to school time……..

That means starting off the new year with a Professional  Development bang! How can you initiate authentic PD for your staff? I am lucky – I get to start the year with the LEARNQuebec Team.…

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Student Perspectives: UT Arlington Graduates Share Experiences with RN-to-BSN Online Program

Faculty eCommons

Colleges and universities are moving online because of the benefits online programs offer students:

an accessible education that accommodates the working adult’s lifestyle and
an affordable education that decreases high costs characteristic of on-campus courses.

Institutions have dedicated ……

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Finding Your Voice

It’s exciting that so many conversations about educational transformation are focusing on teacher leadership and teachers “having a voice”. What thrills me about this movement is a recognition that teachers are professionals. I believe this has been one of the missing pieces in past efforts to change the educational system.

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Changing the Culture of Subbing

Smart Elephants


Photo by Iconshock

I stood at the doorway of Tuesday’s #PATUE Twitter chat waiting for the proper time to enter. If I had a circus peanut for every time I maxed 140 characters but did not press the enter key I’d be one happy elephant – an elephant not in the room.…

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Design Thinking: Ideate

Problem Statement

1. Claudio needs career guidance to help him develop and focus on a plan that prepares him for success and satisfaction.
2. Claudio feels the university does not have a curriculum design that provides him with the skills that will prepare him to function effectively in business.
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My take on the #whyopen community concept of open

I put together a presentation based on the #whyopen survey responses. It’s a mindmap of the different ideas, with some embedded youtube videos, and clickable links to additional resources on the various ideas that people came up with. Click on the small icons to the right of the graph nodes, or bubbles, to open the resources in a new window.…

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Conversations Around Art Help Us See More Than What We Think We See!

Week 2 of MoMA’s Art and Inquiry challenged educators to think about “how teachers can help students use contextual information productively within dialogues about art“. Our required reading prompted us to think about “how educators can ensure facts will act as catalysts for significant meaning making”.
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Off to learn (OUT LOUD) at #NKCSedu Convocation!

I love convocation. Bringing everyone in the district together as a connected community. The superintendent speaks about the district, giving us all common ground, common goals, and a positive message. Educational/motivational speakers gets us focused on the year and gets us thinking, laughing, and maybe willing to try something new.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs