syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

ISTE 2013 Reflections

I had an amazing experience at the 2013 ISTE conference in San Antonio this past week (June 22-26) and will be reflecting on it for quite some time, I’m sure. It was a different experience than I expected, but one that nonetheless exceeded all my expectations. My …

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We are all Connected – FNMI and Open Learning

I want to apologize for my late (tardy) post. I live in Calgary, and although my house was not directly affected by the flood, I can assure you that everyone in Calgary is adversely affected by the flooding. I also had to put together a presentation for EdMedia (in Victoria- shortened trip) closed schools and a vicious cold.

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PetHangout with Hybrid Pedagogy

This morning I hosted my first Google Hangout on-air. There were 10 people in the hangout and another six people in the room with me at Alberta Education. Johanne and Maureen participated in the room with me and in the hangout.…

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Sharing Your Voice & Digital Storytelling

“To address the most important issue first: there is no such thing as digital storytelling. There’s only storytelling in the digital age. . .Digital is not the difficult part in digital storytelling. Storytelling is.” ~ Jasper Visser

Bella & Jules

After developing and facilitating a digital storytelling exploratory course for middle schoolers for nine years, I am rejoicing in the fact that digital tools have been getting easier and easier to use. 

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…repurposing to #clmooc

…once upon a #mooconce more into the breach. Re-purposing is a kind of making, another word for the same activity or nearly so but from another (unnecessarily disconnected) realm, another Information Silo effect. Tracking them and reflecting on the differences would make a good word make…or unmake.

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Connecting the World’s Classrooms Through Online Collaboration

One of the things that I love most about #Etmooc (yes, I know it’s been three months but I’m still singing its praises) was the way it encouraged all of us to become reflective practitioners and life long learners.

I try to think: What I’m currently doing in my classroom might already be working well- but we need to be constantly playing around to find ways to make it better and more relevant to my students

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Connected Learning – The future

As you read the article I posted earlier today about philanthropy, I encourage you to view this video and imagine how volunteers, staff, students in non-school tutor/mentor programs in poverty neighborhoods can bring this form of learning to youth who may never get this from the public or charter school in their neighborhood.…

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#etmooc#ltis13 Mappa: un voto un bit

voto digitale


Cyberspazio:  è pronta anche la mappa relativa alla lezione conclusiva.

Come sempre nell’elaborazione mi sono avvalsa del podcast, opportunamente scaricato, ché ora non è più disponibile, da Radio3 Scienza, e di altre risorse frutto di numerose ricerche. Conseguentemente ho esplorato e approfondito un tema sconosciuto e del quale senz’altro si sentirà parlare sempre più frequentemente.…

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#etmooc#ltis13 Mappa: un voto un bit

voto digitale

Cyberspazio:  è pronta anche la mappa relativa alla lezione conclusiva.

Come sempre nell’elaborazione mi sono avvalsa del podcast, opportunamente scaricato, ché ora non è più disponibile, da Radio3 Scienza, e di altre risorse frutto di numerose ricerche. Conseguentemente ho esplorato e approfondito un tema sconosciuto e del quale senz’altro si sentirà parlare sempre più frequentemente.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs