syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Assessing Learning, Tech Style

So the Google Voice pilot went very well!  I have just enough time left in the school year to do a live assignment and see how well the students do.  My big issue now is, assessing high enough on the taxonomy scale to get a true picture of what they’ve learned.…

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Open Letter to a MOOC dropout

As mentioned in a previous post, several colleagues joined me in the Coursera/University of Toronto course, “Aboriginal Worldviews and Education” back in February and March. (an excellent course by the way – fodder for another post) Our cohort tried to get together online and by teleconference for a weekly discussion.…

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DigitWhiz, Strip Design and Showbie

In Yr 7 we’ve been learning more about factors, multiples, prime numbers etc. It was the perfect opportunity to introduce kids to a great app called DigitWhiz. Yes, it covers the basic operations of multiplication and division, but unlike a lot of other Maths apps, it includes a lot more that is useful to secondary school students , all in one free app.…

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The Revolving Door of Technology in Education


Let’s keep this relatively short and simple shall we? I’ve spent just a month shy of 10 years in education, and I feel as though some days I know just about as much as I did on day one in the teaching field.…

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Students, teachers, #flipclass and the transitive property

In math, it’s called the transitive property:

If A=B and B=C, then A=C.

And it jumped off my iPhone screen this morning while I was reading my morning stream of tweets on Twitter.

I spend a lot of time thinking about peer instruction with clickers, like this, this and this, which naturally leads to discussions about “flipping the classroom.”…

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Rethinking Your Online Classroom with Connectivism

One of the greatest challenges we face in today’s rapidly changing, tech-saturated educational landscape is the decrease of physical classrooms based on traditional notions of localized, embodied community. Emerging online classrooms mirror digital, distributed modes ……

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Learning how to be an Open Learner….By Being an Open Learner

My colleague Laurel asked me some questions in her comments on my last blog post.

How have you shifted from being a  “stranded evangelist” to a  “connected educator”? What have you learned from the people around you? How has your practice shifted as you listen to the teachers with diverse perspectives?…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs