syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Dots, Dots and More Dots….

As the year comes to a close, it is that time that we all begin thinking about the brighter tomorrow.  What new innovation will I bring to my students next year?  What will I improve upon?  Lots of questions fill the educator’s mind all summer. …

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The Garden

The #coffeechugPLN chat was brewing up a full bodied discussion earlier this week when a fresh cup of inspiration got poured into my mental mug.

We were discussing growth, and then it hit like the smell of  fresh brewed  java in the morning.…

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Education 3.0: Learning Anywhere, Anytime

Education 3.0 is the next generation of education and the radical step enabled by the advancements in information and communication technology. Prof. Derek W. Keats argues that institutions must respond quickly to remain relevant and ……

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pre and post-test mortem

Well the end is near several of my students have already taken the final, and now I am depressed. While most of the students did better on the final than on the pretest (as they should) two have done worse(?)! Now I admit the final is tough, but still shouldn’t all the students gain some … Continue reading

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WebMaker’s Thimble – Week 2 of MOOC

Well as you may or may not know, I am now participating in #teachtheweb sponsored by  Week 2 has begun and I have found some interesting changes from my last MOOC, etmooc.  More about that later….Ok, This weeks assignment, to create a “webby”. 
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Higher education is not the music, travel or news industry

The elections for the university council at my university brought us a new political party that as one of its main points has how to deal with the tsunami of online education that is flooding Higher Education. The ideas of the threats the party sees are more or less in line with McKinsey’s ideas about the dangers universities face from online education.…

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Music a Way of Connecting Souls Together.. and other reasons I can’t give up band camp


When I was 12 I was really a bit lost… no longer a kid but not quite fitting into the preppy world I needed to find a place where I belonged.

Then along came DCI- Drum Corp International and my life changed for the better.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs