syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Mbeya’s Hills and Southern Highland Parks

The Southern Highlands of Tanzania is stunning in its remote beauty. The two clips below are taken from a longer YouTube video recorded from a bus traveling through the towns and countryside in Mbeya Region. As the bus speeds up and then slows down, one can see the many shops along the road, people chatting in small groups, TV dishes on zinc-roofed houses, bananas everywhere, and many other images that bring back good memories.…

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Cameroon dancing to Tanzanian dancing

I returned to the U.S. from Cameroon in 1973. After working in Peace Corps recruitment and completing graduate degrees with an emphasis in international agricultural education/extension, I received a contract in July 1980 with an American university, which assigned me to a farmer’s training project in Mbeya, Tanzania.…

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Gamify Your Class with VoiceThread Mobile

Gamification involves integrating game mechanics and design techniques into your class to boost learner engagement and provide problem-solving opportunities. How you gamify your class is a creative process, but one key method that opens new ……

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Genius Hour is genius!

Finally I have found the time to write about my first Genius Hour experience- it was excellent! My students were totally engaged, so was I. It was so exciting to see them all absorbed by the work they had chosen and planned for themselves.…

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Teach the Web: a Mozilla Open Online Collaboration

Teach the Web has something for everyone who wants to get more closely involved with the Making and Learning Movements. #teachtheweb seeks to create an online space to connect, explore and make – and then ……

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The Boston Marathon Impacts Us All- Resources to Help Counsellors Support Their Students.

Coping with Disaster Resources      
Explosions  (section on After an Explosion)
Coping with Disaster

Managing traumatic stress: Tips for recovering from disaster and other traumatic events Psychological Association 

Taking Care of Your Emotional Health After a Disaster

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Post ETMOOC -April

So I promised a more analytical response of why etmooc was so valuable as a learning process and here it is. What is interesting is that even though I am no longer in the weekly/biweekly task mode for etmooc, as a post etmooc blog group member our group has maintained that biweekly format, I expect for continuity’s sake.…

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Fellowship of Open Spokes #openspokes Education in 5 Years #etmooc

Something awesome is happening on a new channel in YouTube. Ben Wilkoff has gathered together a few everyday educators who are sharing weekly vlogs about education, a direct result of ETMOOC.

This week we’re discussing what education might look like in five years.…

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#ltis13, Vagliare per sopravvivere

Ci sono due problemi con cui devo confrontarmi, uno è relativo all’individuazione dei blog che deciderò di seguire, l’altro si riferisce al superamento del senso di colpa per la scelta di trascurare i commenti che, sempre numerosissimi, popolano i post di Andreas.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs