syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

#LTIS13, Luci e ombre

Ricavo dal post una domanda un compito e un’esplorazione e da quello lì citato Etica hacker tre titoli di libri che inserisco nella lista dei prossimi acquisti:

L’Etica hacker di Pekka Himanen (Feltrinelli, 2003)

Un manifesto hacker di Wark McKenzie (Feltrinelli, 2005)

Felicità privata e felicità pubblica” di Albert Hirschman (il Mulino, 1983).…

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The missing out syndrome – Post 1 #5Days5posts

Looking at my facebook updates, one might get the impression that it’s all smooth sailing and I enjoy every moment. Well, the truth is that there are times when I just want to run back to an office, turn on a screen or just go into a classroom full of difficult 17-year-olds.…

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#LTIS13, Tra orecchi pelosi e Pec

Un’ e-mail, datata 6 marzo, ha confermato la mia iscrizione al cMOOC “Laboratorio di Tecnologie Internet per la Scuola” #ltis13; ho deciso di prendervi parte perché voglio permettermi ancora una volta l’abbondanza d’incontri, di sorprese, di stimoli, di impulsi alla crescita e a nuovo apprendimento.…

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os analisadores

A influencia do analisador auditivo quanto aos ambientes externos e interno do Game.
O foco da atenção da criança, e a ação da mão ao responder aos comandos neuronais.…

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EDCI 515 – Professional Learning Project

Finally, after many late and restless nights, emails, Google Hangouts, webinars, meetings, research, discussions, and Skype sessions, our EDCI 515 – Professional Learning Project is complete.  We wrote a literature review and a proposal for School District 85 to seek funding for a pilot program to connect classrooms using video conferencing.…

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Recent and New Learning Opportunities

Just celebrated the finale of  two educational technology courses at UVIC with many members of our cohort on the North Island.  It has been a blast and I’ve learned a lot.  One of the most amazing projects I witnessed was an ibook about the local culture and language made by Reed Allen and Diane Harris– way to go you two!  …

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Video remix

Inspired by #etmooc projects I have had a go at remixing a video for educational purposes.

Professional Ethics is one of the #AAT Level 3 units which I will be teaching over the next term. It is a subject that some of my students have found difficult to get to grips with, its not to do with numbers!…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs