syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Seeing the Difference between Training and Development

We should notice the difference between technology training and professional development and explore ways in which we can make this difference known to others.

Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

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The “Grande Finale”…or…is it “Just the Beginning”??

Here I am…writing my last post on my ETMOOC reflections.  My experiences, my participation, my learning.  It’s all about me folks …but is it really going to be my last post about my MOOC experiences?

I’ve really given this question a lot of thought lately. …

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Digital Citiz-wait, what?

I have a confession to make. I’m … a Millennial. I grew up with the internet, I learned how to use AOL as a kid, I have had private email since I was ten years old, and I can maintain 4-5 separate chats like a boss.…

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Instagram for Education: Applying Gardner’s Intelligences

We were inspired by the blog post Using Instagram in an Educational Context, which cites Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. In this post, we’ve linked great examples from Instagram and its own blog to ……

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MOOCs: Where’s the Lit Review?

One of the purposes of research is to establish a foundation of prior knowledge for future experiments to engage and extrapolate before proposing a new design that will further the field.  This is important; without an understanding of what came before, research runs the risk of reinventing the wheel, or even (worse yet) coming up with something more rudimentary than the wheel.…

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PLN Plan 2013

I have no idea if anyone will read this blog now that the ETMOOC course is over. That’s okay, really. I’ve met a few folks through that experience, and I follow their blogs. With the magic of the Internet, perhaps I can pick up a few readers in this next phase.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs