syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

I’ve used photos I found on Flickr for some of my OLTD assignments and in my Weebly website and I’ve always given credit to the photographer in the form that was noted with the photograph, but I haven’t investigated the attribution feature.
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Creating a new journey map. Connecting Chicago to World.

I started hosting Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conferences in Chicago in May, 1994, as part of a strategy intended to draw area volunteer-based tutoring, mentoring and learning programs and supporters together to learn from each other and as part of a strategy to increase public awareness of tutor/mentor programs all over the Chicago region, so that more would have the talent and dollars needed to sustain their work and constantly improve.

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Resisting Our Inner Two Year-Old


This blog post is brought to you by the word Corollary

​In my classroom (and most elementary classrooms) students are encouraged to share. .  The only exceptions are food (possible allergies/sensitivities/dietary restrictions) and answers during an activity designed for assessment purposes. 

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Silent on Twitter about my job search

I use Twitter. A lot. It’s my daily, hourly,…, continuous source of information, professional development, and support, and a place where I can give back to the communities that support me when I need it.

I advocate

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TeachMeet Connect #teachmeet evolution


TeachMeet Connect

This move from Susan Ward looks like continuing the re-boot of TeachMeet in Scotland.

On Wednesday 21st September, we are launching TeachMeet Connect, a series of TeachMeets happening across Scotland on the same day, where teachers will get together and share what they do.

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Staring Across the Abyss

Visible Learning:

This week I feel like I am standing at the edge of an abyss.  I have all the materials I need to build a bridge to cross to the other side…except one.  The pivotal piece that is essential to making the bridge hold together. 
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My Baynes Sound Shellfish Map is Growing

Yeah! This week I figured out how to get the map coordinates from a photo sent from a smart phone, and it began with a Google search of course. This will be important if the map I build doesn’t allow public input and all viewer photo submissions must pass through me or the website manager.
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From Underwater Cables to Undersea Current Power

​This story on The Weather Network surprised and amazed me. Apparently Microsoft and Facebook have teamed put a cable under the Atlantic Ocean from the US to Spain to deliver high speed internet access to Europe. And Google did the same thing under the Pacific Ocean in 2014 in association with some Asian companies.
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What Is Natural Law Theory?

In attempting to garner an understanding of the nature of law, very early lawful philosophers and also academics formulated some things has become referred to as the natural law theory, and also has actually ended up being an actual cornerstone of the development of modern-day legal thinking.…

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From Lurker, to Follower, to Leader: Mozilla All Hands in London Goals

The “Mozillian Lurker”


Photo by

Sitting next to Sunny Lee and Carla Casilli on on school bus exploring Vancouver during the the “Open Education” Conference in 2012, I discovered that I was already a Mozillian. Although on the fringes of the community, I learned about open badges and realized, that’s what I am doing already!  …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs