syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

MOOCs – Why, What and Why Not

MOOC is a Massive Open Online Course.
I don’t need to explain and retell what MOOC is exactly because Dave Cormier has done it in a perfect way, so I am just uploading the YouTube videos.
However I would like to share how I see MOOCs, although I am a newbie.…

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Let’s Mooc again

Rooftop Beehives, Vancouver Convention Centre


My second Moocing attempt is not starting well… I was away for the first week, and am now faced with an ocean of material to swim/waddle through. I am interested, though, first in the topic of openness, and the link to lifelong learning, but also in what goes on in a Mooc; my own reaction has been similar for the previous Mooc I attempted – the spaces are what I find challenging; how do I create my own space, in my own time (learning chronotope, my old friend…), or is a Mooc not about individual time and space, but about the hive-like swarm?…

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Moving from Substitution to Redefinition- the SAMR model

It was a busy week, culminating on Friday with visitors to the Yr 7 class to see how we use iPads in our Maths class. Teachers and principals from other schools had enrolled in a one day program to visit three schools to observe and compare their use of both laptops and iPads in a variety of classrooms.…

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#ETMOOC, baby steps, students

I have always figured I am about 3 years ahead of my students, at least in adoption of technology for learning. But with this MOOC thing, I have leapt way, way ahead. The way universities are set up, the education system so entrenched and ossified here in Japan, I fear for the 2020′s (and figure not much will happen until then).…

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By the Light of My Laptop Screen


By the Light of My Laptop Screen

#Etmooc is winding down as the spring dewdrops and daffodils raise their cheers to the return of the sun in Vancouver, BC. It’s been a January and February of steady rain, brooding skies and the artificial light of my laptop screen.…

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#ETMOOC una mappa per la cittadinanza digitale

Esamino l’ultimo argomento di #ETMOOC: Topic #5: Digital Citizenship – Identity, Footprint, & Social Activism,  focalizzandomi, in questa fase, sulla cittadinanza digitale, presentando una mappa realizzata con Visual Understanding Environment (VUE), un progetto Open Source basato presso la Tufts University e successivamente xxx

Sono spinta verso questa direzione da un duplice obiettivo: a) ottenere una visione generale dell’argomento, b) esercitarmi nell’uso del software VUE.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs