syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

My Personal Learning Network

My Personal Learning Network is ever expanding, more rapidly now as I leverage more resources online, and as a result, having a greater impact on my personal and professional practice. The following Prezi illustrates how I see my PLN as of today, March 7, 2013.…

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Back to the Drawing Board

In a previous post    I mentioned how simple the Livescribe pens were to use.  I think I should be very truthful –they are simple to turn on, simple to demonstrate, simple to practice with but when you travel to an elementary school and use them with your Grade 2 buddies they are far more complex!…

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Elementary Educators, there’s no better time to "open" up

Image courtesy of simplogist at Flickr

As part of ETMOOC, we were able to participate via Twitter in an Open Education panel this afternoon in connection with Open Education Week. In her summation at the end of the session, one of the panelists, Karen Fasimpaur made the point that for elementary educators, right now there is a critical window of opportunity when participation in the open education movement can make a big difference in elementary education. …

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(etmooc) On openness and panopticism

“Panopticon,” cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by chad_k

A year or two ago a student came into my office and told me about some podcasts he had been listening to, which consisted of some lectures by a well-known philosopher as part of one of his university courses.

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Learning and Misinformation Management: #etmooc, Digital Literacy, Crap Detection, and Librarians Alphabetizing Spice Racks

When a friend and I first read about Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel releasing a stream of expletives and walking off of Sean Hannity’s Fox News program in November 2012, we immediately began an online search to locate a video of that explosive moment.…

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Going through my Rolodex. Guess who I found.

I’ve been collecting business cards for more than 20 years. While I have three full Rolodex files I also have cardboard boxes with hundreds, or thousands, of cards representing people who I’ve lost contact with. I keep these with hope that some researcher will want to do an analysis of the network I’ve been building to show how others might duplicate this effort.

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Let’s expand upon the idea of providing digital playlists. [Christian]

From DSC:, an excellent resource, now uses digital playlists.

Here’s an idea.  How about, in the future, students will be able to run through a series of digital playlists:

  • Focusing on a particular topic and/or a course from:
    • A particular college or university
    • A consortium of colleges and universities
    • A group of approved subject matter experts

If and when a person gets stumped — and the artificial intelligence has reached the end of its usefulness — provide a way for that student to connect with a TA, a professor, the subject matter expert, and/or with other students.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs