syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Have you ever watched snowflakes MELT?

I had never watched snow melt from start to end.

I did on Feb. 25. 

I opened the back door and inserted my black sweater into the swirling mass of snowflakes for about 10 seconds. Winter storm #2 was upon us and I wanted to use the opportunity to let my mind wander and wonder.
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Learning to walk

The Mozilla Foundation asks What are the skills, competencies and literacies necessary to read, write and participate in the Web – now and in the future?”  

Thinking about this has made me reflect on areas of my life where I have tried to acquire new skills.…

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What Does It Mean to be Digitally Literate?

On my drive to work this morning, the Roger, Darren and Marilyn were discussing how the “older” generation folks they have in their lives were struggling with things like Facebook, Twitter, Smartphones and things of this ilk. I found this discussion rather interesting for a number of reasons, first, I wonder if the likes of Roger, Darren & Marilyn might have been familiar with these tools five years ago; second, I was amazed (as I always am) at the speed of change when it comes to ICT; but third, I was pondering this discussion in light of the discussion led by Audrey Watters yesterday evening for #ETMOOC.…

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Learning Prezi

Well, I have decided to learn Prezi for a number of reasons.  Here is just the beginning of the list.

  1. It seems flashy and more fun than PowerPoint.  Movement and fun are two ingredients for engagement.
  2. Future presentation on March 14 and a presentation for EDCI 515.
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#ETMOOC – Digital literacy


Una tabella con i diversi termini e approcci riconducibili a differenti ambiti applicativi.

approcciApprocci e termini per le competenze digitali. Elaborato da (Cigognini, 2008).

Dimensioni della Digital Literacy


Un modello di Ismael Peña Lopez (2009)

Il ricercatore catalano Peña Lopez affida a un’efficace immagine la rappresentazione del modello da lui elaborato:


L’autore fornisce esempi tratti dalla quotidianitĂ  in cui sono richieste le competenze digitali: la scuola, il lavoro, la gestione del potere/governo, l’espressione dell’essere cittadino.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs