syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Topic 2: Digital Storytelling

I am hoping that this post is part 1 of something greater.
The blogged intro to this activity ( stresses that the most important part of digital storytelling is the latter part of the term, storytelling. As a poet, I feel comfortable and confident in my ability to create stories.
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Tracking Your Own Story: Memolane #etmooc

Have you thought of what your own footprint looks like? Or the story it tells?

Imagine students curating their footprints — and able to see how their world reaches back through their connections?

In the Digital Story Telling review, I clicked a link to Memolane and followed the directions.  …

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Tennis Time!

Today I was inspired by some of my fellow “etmoocers” to try and create a gif. This is new to me although I have embedded one created by someone else onto my classroom blog. My gif tells the story of a lazy Sunday afternoon at home, where two of my boys have headed out into the backyard for our own Australian Open!

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Digital Storytelling

Checking in to my Feeddler account to see the etmooc blogs over the last week saw a plethora of posts about Digital Storytelling, even before Darren Kuropatwa’s session. I didn’t have time to read many, and tended toward the ‘six word’ stories and 5 card Flickr’s – guessing they might be short!…

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Readjusting my Connection

In 2010, I read David Warlick‘s Gardener’s Approach to Learning: Cultivating Your Personal Learning Network. I liked the idea of cultivating an information ecosystem (it appealed to the permaculturalist in me) . After reading the book, I decided map my PLN  out.  …

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Spimal tap: harnessing blogjects of the future to save the world!

Much as “spime” and “blogject” sound like pretty out there concepts, I think it is more a matter of application of technology to some already established concepts which report data in real time and broadcast to a wider audience. Some of us created a list of blogjects to add to the choking pigeons.

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Digital Storytelling … part 1

Topic 2 in etmooc is digital storytelling. This is another one of those terms that crops up and gets thrown around, yet it is an apt moniker that highlights some of the affordances of digital technology for learning. The digital, of course, just highlights the medium used to create & tell the story.…

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Amazing Stories of Openness on the Web

It was a pleasure to share this story of openness that came out of #philosophy12 with Alan Levine‘s (aka @cogdog) newest incarnation of True Stories of Openness on the Web

We all start out in our educational careers (meaning when we were in kindergarten) knowing intrinsically the value of sharing.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs