syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Five Card Flickr Story

Over the Pass5cardflickr

After struggling all day we finally found the pass in the mountains. Notes that we had made prior to the expedition were helpful but did nothing to prepare us for the grandeur of the landscape. By nightfall we arrived at a small church in a village where we stayed for the night dreaming of further adventures tomorrow.

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Curating my #DS106 Creations for #ETMOOC

I have just under 70 blog posts on my site dedicated to my work for DS106, the original anti-MOOC course that encourages all participants to “Make art!” Since this week in #etmooc we’ve been challenged to attempt some digital storytelling through various means (and I fully intend to create something new), I took the opportunity to do some curation and look through my DS106 assignments.…

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Digital Storytelling in Academia? You’ve got to be kidding!

This was my first reaction to the current topic focus in #etmooc.  I couldn’t imagine how digital storytelling fits into the academic milieu.  In fact I suspected that there is a lot of resistance to digital stories as a pedagogic method. …

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Networking by passion

Playing catch up here, and not a lot of time to write, so just some quick thoughts (I say that now, it will be 2,000 words until I’m done rambling) on recent (?) #etmooc webinars

My biggest takeaway from the Networked Educational Leader session led by @gcouros was a comment made by Bernard.…

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A arte e o Futuro

Acompanho desde o primeiro evento a Jornada EaD: O futuro da arte e aproveito para recordar os pontos que foram importantes, nestas participações, em meu percurso como Professora e Tutora de um Polo em uma IES.
No evento que aconteceu em 2011,  foi com imenso prazer que conheci o Prof.
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WOW! They’ve glassed us!

A Day Made of Glass is horrific vision for the future. Corning’s dystopic fantasy puts us in a glass prison, for profit. Screened off and distanced from real world experiences and genuine issues like biodiversity loss, deforestation, resource depletion and climate change, the take home message is WOW!…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs