syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

ETMOOC inspiration – digital story telling

Have just had fun sitting in the hairdresser’s chair, creating a 5 card flicr story.



Five Card Story: Learning is like …

a #etmooc story created by Mj0401Mary

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by allistelling

flickr photo by Henriksent

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by mrsdkrebs

This week, my students have pondered the question ‘My learning is like a fish because…’ and have come up with some amazing thoughts and ideas.

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I’m Late, I’m Late

image courtesy of Omnitographer at Flickr

Like Alice’s white rabbit, I’m late, I’m late!

I’m joining this MOOC late. I’m already behind, but I just saw a blog a few days ago that made a reference to ETMOOC and I decided I want in.…

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Natural Beauty: My First Attempt at Videolicious

Although this is my typical “Story of Counselling” I really wanted to experiment with the combination of voice, visuals and song. I was also inspired through my conversations on #etmchat this evening. I had never reflected on the beauty of being natural, putting yourself out there and embracing all the little mistakes, because each of these lines contribute the the overall story.…

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#etmooc Digital Story Telling Experiment: Animated GIF!

I haven’t ventured into creating my own content for an animated gif just yet (I’m still tossing around ideas), but I thought I’d try making a gif of an awesome video with music by the Zurich Chamber Orchestra.

I love this video because of how perfectly the staff syncs with the music and how the animators chose to highlight the drama of the music with the intensity of the rollercoaster.

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Toward Digital Collaboration Fluency

As I reflect upon some of my recent experiences in MOOCs (most recently #ETMOOC and #EDCMOOC) and online communities (especially my recent participation in #COOPLIT), I find myself thinking about the notion of digital collaboration and the pursuit of digital collaboration fluency.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs