syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Blogging with your students

I have updated my Prezi that I use to introduce teachers to blogging to include teacher and class blogs by subject area. Since I work with secondary school teachers, they often want to see an example in their subject. If you have or know of a great class blog that I should include, please let me know in the comments.

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Connecting: One Last Thought – Connectivism and the Introvert

Still trying to catch up with things, I’m listening to Sue Waters talk about the ins and outs of Blogging with Your Students and I am thinking about my class website/blog and all the trouble I’ve been having getting my students to blog.…

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Mucho MOOCs

Until I was ten years old, I lived in Pennsylvania. On February 2, Punxsutawney Phil would let us know if would have an early spring or if we were going to have more winter. I had no idea other people cared about Phil until the Bill Murray movie came out.…

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(reposted from Digital Is – another great connected learning…

(reposted from Digital Is – another great connected learning community)

Last February, I read about Connectivism while researching articles for a Contemporary Learning Theory course. It wasn’t an assigned reading, I discovered it and that is the first and only time I have encountered it in my Master of Education program.…

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Stories of Opennes

Alan Levin challenged us to share stories of openness. The whole idea has to do with what happens when open to share online.

I took the challenge and this is my story.

Stories of Openness is very linked to Dean Shareski‘s webinar on Sharing as Accountability, where I became more aware of the importance of sharing and the responsibility, we as educators, have to share.

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Connecting: Moving Forward

I have been so busy this week with things in my classroom and my teacher leadership class as part of my masters program that I haven’t had time to stop and smell the #etmooc until today.  So, while listening to George Couros talk about connecting to your administrators and using social media in a way that can change education and the way we all learn, I stopped and thought:  Who am I connected to and why?…

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etmooc 2-2-13

I was very impressed with Ed Nagelhout’s blog, as I mentioned two blogs ago; however, I do want to point out that he has several webpages worth a look. Though they may not be in line with ETMOOC’s effort, still they are very well done, albeit with a more formal and structured approach, which I would prefer for the subject of grammar, for which see 

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How Do you Learn from Twitter Chats and WallWisher

Ok, I will be honest, having done two twitter chat sessions for etmooc, or should I say following them while they flew by. I was not a fan! Tweetdeck did help a lot. I was able to follow #etmchat as well as see those messages directed at me.…

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Responsible Use

Some people accuse me of being a pessimist. The fact is I am a journalist by training. I report the facts. Sometimes there are good facts sometimes there not. What I refuse to do is settle with the bad facts and go on acting is if there are good.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs