syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Natasa, I went from a Multiliteraces straight to…


I went from a Multiliteraces straight to my 1st MOOC ~ at Vance's recommendation to the class. It was already two weeks underway. We'd already been talking about managing internet/social media generated information overload and how "navigating" was more appropriate (realistic too) than "managing."…

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#1Pic a day. Lettura del paesaggio: naturale, urbano, interiore.

Il desiderio di scoprire, la voglia di emozionare, il gusto di catturare, tre concetti che riassumono l’arte della fotografia. (Helmut Newton)

In coerenza con quanto anticipato nel post del 14/01/2013 prendo in esame l’attività registrata nel gruppo. L’osservazione immediatamente  visibile riguarda il numero delle fotografie che risulta più che raddoppiato, essendo passato da 470 a 1096 e un lieve incremento del numero dei suoi componenti, da 48 a 53.…

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New iPass

So apple sent out this press release yesterday.

My initial reaction was “What a giant waste of money!!” I mean you can buy 4 Chromebooks and give them out to students.

I realize that a Chromebook doesn’t have a touchscreen (yet) or a Retina screen, but they do have USB ports, a real keyboard and 320 GB of storage.…

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The Chaos Game – Fun for Everyone

Dave Cormier’s Presentation this week reminded me of a wonderful game I like to play with my students.  I call it the Chaos Game, but technically it is called Shirpinski’s Triange. If you haven’t done it before it is great fun, and a good party trick (well, I guess that depends on who you party with!).…

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#etmooc questions posed…

I have been engaging with #etmooc mainly via Twitter, Google+ and Blackboard Collaborate of late. It’s difficult to attend to my blog as often as I envisioned when I started #etmooc earlier this month.
Reasons? I’m currently enrolled in three MOOCs – all running simultaneously – and it seems that the best way to engage with all three is via Twitter and Google+

This morning, whilst reading through the #etmooc blog, I found some great questions posed to participants – all of which gave me more food for thought.…

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Connected Learning, Thanks to My Neighbors

We were challenged to answer a few questions this week during the Connected Learning module in #ETMOOC.

One question is “What does my PLE/PLN look like? How can I share it?”

First of all, I had to look up PLE  because I had forgotten what it meant.…

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I’m starting off a little late but hopefully I’ll be able to catch up.  My maze analogy seems apt because I’m feeling a little lost at the moment.  I’m sure, however, that I’ll meet people along the way and eventually find my way around.…

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What the heck is Connectivism and Whats It Doing in My Mooc?

A couple of weeks through the Educational Technology and Media course #etmooc, and it seems like a lot of participants are learning and enjoying themselves.  Recently though I have noticed some post’s questioning the process of this course, if there is any learning taking place, and comparing it to other mooc’s.  …

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In listening to Dave Cormier’s session yesterday afternoon on rhizomatic learning (video below) I was trying to pay attention to my self-talk – that conversation in my head. Which concepts were leading me to make connections to things I (think I) know, from my own experience?…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs