syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Another first day of school

One of the things I love about the school year beginning each year is the opportunity we have as teachers to start fresh, set goals and the enthusiastic nature a new year brings in. The first morning as we meet back as a staff after a well deserved break is always full of enthusiasm and excitement.…

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The Caribou Trail and the Western Genre

So I should probably confess right up front that the Western Genre is not a personal favourite of mine. Or should I say certain aspects of it aren’t. What are those aspects, you ask? Well The Caribou Trail was probably the worst possible movie for me to watch to get myself into the mindset for #western106.…

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Reading: Digital Skills, Digital Literacies and Media Literacy

For example, teaching digital skills would include showing students how to download images from the Internet and insert them into PowerPoint slides or webpages. Digital literacy would focus on helping students choose appropriate images, recognize copyright licensing, and cite or get permissions, in addition to reminding students to use alternative text for images to support those with visual disabilities.

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Using Social Media for Student Learning

social media (1)

This blog post has been in my head for a while, but it is one that is worth writing down (finally) because of the impact it can have on student learning. If you are an educator who is hesitant about utilizing social media in the classroom I hope that my recent experience with Holy Angels School (@HAS) will change your mind.

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Quality Matters: Standard 1.4

It’s Quality Matters Day! Each week, we highlight a Quality Matters standard and review its importance in an online course and how we evaluate this standard.


Today, we are reviewing Quality Matters Standards 1.4


General Standard 1 addresses the course overview and introduction.

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What Does Innovation Mean to Me?

This post is in response to the question posed for The Innovator’s Mindset book study that is occurring this month. It is yet another step in my learning as this blog post is part of a “blog hop” and I would like to thank Tina Zita for opening me up to this opportunity!…

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A Review: The Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros


I was excited to pick up The Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros (@gcouros) for two reasons. 1) As an educator I have heard the use of the word #innovation more and more and as a Technology Enabled Learning and Teaching Contact I feel it is my job to support innovation in our classrooms.

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Fighting Linkrot

I quite often read above my understanding age, which is why Hapgood is in my RSS feeds. The other day I read: Connected Copies where I read this:

the future of the web involves moving away from the idea of centralized, authoritative locations and into something I call “connected copies”.

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Twitter as a Tool for Empowering the School Community


Only 20-30% of our communities are made up of households with students in our buildings. Those percentages reflect the huge void of people in the community who have any knowledge of what goes on in your school building. Telling the story of the wonderful things happening in schools to the kids who see it all the time  is simply not enough.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs