syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Visible and Connected

Photo Credit: Domiriel via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Domiriel via Compfight cc

So I’m 128 minutes removed from Dave Cormier’s (@davecormier) “Rhizomes, MOOCS, and Making Sense of Complexity” Blackboard session and I can’t get the following phrase out of my head: visible and connected. On the way home I think I rewrote this post four times, but the content stayed the same.…

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Control of Our Own Learning

The session on Rhizomatic Learning made me think about ‘what is learning’ and who controls learning. School boards are confronting the issue of control when looking at access to wireless in their facilities.  There is a feeling that boards and schools need to ‘control’ what sites students are visiting during school hours and the notion that students need to be monitored because they are unable to self-monitor and self-regulate.…

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Inquiry, Google, Genius Hour… it all boils down to Rhizomatic learning.

Photo Credit: Lilia Efimova via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Lilia Efimova via Compfight cc

Today was one of those sessions that I lurked mostly.  I couldn’t help it.  There was so much that was unfamiliar to me, that I just had to stop and take stock in what everyone was talking about.  …

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Break the Cycle of Measuring

tape measure alongside a baby

CC auiinsperation

Our society is big into measuring – the moment we’re born, the sports we play or watch, earnings, number of friends on Facebook, followers on Twitter, even stats on stats, and in education, learning.  Dave Cormier facilitated a lively dialogue during an #etmooc webinar, Rhizomatic Learning. …

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Like Bamboo…

I have been feeling a little overwhelmed with all my recent connections–incoming emails, reading others’ blog posts and pursuing Twitter, aka “building my PLN.”  After today’s etmooc session on Rhizomatic Learning with Dave Cormier and in order to avoid ‘snapping’ I have decided to be like bamboo.…

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#etmooc UMB Hangout Session – 1/28/2013


Throughout my time navigating and learning from fellow #etmooc ‘ers, I am also participating in a sub-group of fellow students in the University of Massachusetts’s Instructional Design (M.Ed) program. We study, make, revise and design educational tools, courses and materials for all types of education and business training situations.…

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Making my Garden Grow…..

When I learned that Dave Cormier was going to be lecturing on Rhizomes, MOOCs, and Making Sense of Complexity I have to admit that the first thought that popped into my mind was..

“What do rhizomes have to do with learning?”…

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#etmooc Rhizomatic Learning

Following are my live notes from tonight’s #etmooc session on Rhizomatic Learning by Dave Cormier. I really loved this session because it confirmed what I’ve always suspected about learning: it’s messy, complicated, and exhilarating. As learning spreads out within the network, you become more of a community manager rather than a facilitator.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs