syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Whew! (and the need for Differentiated Instruction in a MOOC)

photo credit: Confused by digiart2001 via CC (

I just had a total “whew” moment of being very, very “whelmed” (credit for the word goes to @snbeach, who makes me feel that way regularly), and it led to some bigger questions for me.…

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Week 3 in MultiMOOC: Making progress with social networking

As we’ve seen earlier in this session (if you’ve caught it as the information whizzed by 🙂 MOOCs started in 2008 from the connectivist ideas of George Siemens and Stephen Downes, who thought they could use networks to leverage learning so it would scale to thousands of participants.
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Connected Learning: Weekly Updates

As we move into a more connected style of learning, we have to learn how to manage our different spaces. Or at least I have to!

One thing I’m learning is when to sign up for daily updates and when to sign up for weekly updates.…

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Global Collaboration: EHS French Skype

Edina Public Schools Mission Statement states:

The mission of Edina Public Schools is to educate all individuals to be responsible, lifelong learners who possess the skills, knowledge, creativity, self-worth, and ethical values necessary to thrive in a rapidly   changing, culturally diverse, global society.

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One “H” and 4 “C’s”

English: Compulsive hoarding home entrance

I think this is what my mind looks like plus spinning around and around in circles.

It is amazing how all different aspects of my life seem to come together on occasion.  This is not necessarily a frequent occurrence so when it does happen I end up with an “AHA” moment or moments.  …

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Well, I didn’t finish a video. Didn’t even actually get it started. But after some great advice from Christina and  Sue, I decided to focus on prepping for class today. I did listen to Dean Shareski’s session yesterday morning before starting work, while I puttered around my desktop (and his Sharing video is in my Pocket).…

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ETMchat – flooding around – week 2

Last week (January 23) we had another #etmchat in MOOC #etmooc. It was more an experience of “to use or not to use” twitter as a Pandora’s box, as well as one of the participants said at #etmchat.

We had in one hour of chat an exchange of experiences, ideas, concepts  and it was so productive for everyone, I think.…

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Better Backchannels: What’s Missing?

I believe that better backchannels are possible, so long as we don’t keep doing them in a chat that is reacted upon every few seconds. In the video, I identify three things our #etmooc backchannels need:

1. @mentions (replies that show to whom you are speaking)

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs