syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

I Need Connected Learning- #ETMOOC

Ok, here it is a Sunday afternoon and as football looms on the TV, I have just spent 3+ hours looking over various #etmooc sessions run this week as well as looking over google plus for intro’s and new posts to see what’s going on and who likes what.…

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ETMooc – Stevie Italiano

I am using this and my first ETMOOC posting to briefly introduce myself, but more importantly in this blog post introducing the notion of closed captions on videos (easily achieved using Camtasia) and previously i introduced a photo that was made available for use under the creative commons license.…

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I have been out of the classroom and a Vice Principal for three years and found the creative process needed to produce this video very challenging.  In my former life, as a classroom teacher, I created both video and slide presentations on a regular basis. …

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Reflections from an online course … see you in a few weeks!

For the next few Sundays, this blog will probably remain a bit dormant. Usually I post here with things I find throughout the week. Over the next month or so, I’ll be participating in #etmooc – Educational Technology and Media Massive Open Online Course.…

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How Do I Share My Learning?


In preparing for my first ever experience with a MOOC, I found myself feeling very similar to my first day of teaching nine years ago.  I was so excited to begin the new journey, eager to ‘share’ my expertise and knowledge and intrigued by the scope of what was going to be learned.
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Week 1 Recap: Getting organized

It’s the end of #etmooc orientation week and, for the most part, I think I’ve got myself sorted with the help of several tech tools:

  •  After registering for #etmooc, I started this blog to reflect on all the cool and exciting things I’ll learn in the next 10 weeks. 
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Self-directed Learning, Connected Learning, and the Unimportance of Teachers

As I begin to take part in week two of #etmooc, thinking about connected learning, I find myself reflecting on my own educational convictions and my own “learning history.”

In some ways, my education started when I realized the relative unimportance of teachers. …

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The Rubber Cement Made Me Do It

Last week I missed the ETMOOC session “Intro to Blogging” hosted by Sue Waters (@suewaters and Sue Waters Blog) and Peggy George (@pgeorge) because I was knee deep in judging science fair display boards from our 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs