syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Does learning content differ from learning processes?

Miles' Tomes

Does learning content differ from learning processes?
Miles' Tomes – Teaching & Learning

Planning for Learning

Fair Warning: I don’t know yet whether learning content differs from learning processes. There are no answers here, just more questions exploring whether traditional instructional design models can accommodate all.…

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Because we might be soon involved in organizing elearning courses related to E & T at work (Office of Innovation and Improvement of the Basque Department of Education) and I believe in OERs and dialogical learning, I am so curious about etmooc…

… I’d like to know:

  • why The Conspirators first decided to cooperate and set this #etmooc (thank you very much!), 
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And real life gets in the way…but learning turns to laughing

Every waking minute seemed to be filled with thoughts of ETMOOC earlier this week and then real life descended and I had exam scripts to correct. So I managed to catch the Twitter webinar but missed the blogging one. I see there is one on the calendar for next week so hope to catch up then.…

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What Are You Afraid Of?

What is it about a birthday or an anniversary that prompts us to pause, reflect and remember?  Tomorrow is my 1-year anniversary of blogging, and I find myself wondering if I’ve been doing what I set out to do.  Why have I been doing this?

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Testing the Tools

Three days ago I got up in the middle of the night to participate live in the etMOOC Blackboard session on Social Curation, but about a hour before it was to begin the electricity went out. So I felt my way along the walls in the dark and climbed into bed, under the mosquito net.…

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Advanced Power Searching, A free MOOC from Google

Advanced Power Searching with Google begins on January 23, 2013! Register now to sharpen your research skills and strengthen your use of advanced Google search techniques to answer complex questions. Throughout this course you’ll also: Take your search strategies to a new level with sophisticated, independent search challenges.…

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Week note 2/2013

Here’s what I’ve been up to this week:

  • Saw the first draft of the study skills website that I am working on
  • Ran a focus group with 8 AS students for feedback on the website
  • Organised a focus group within the engineering dept
  • Recruited a team of student volunteers to work on the ‘Careers TV’ site
  • Started the etmooc by attending the orientation seminar and publishing my response to the first task
  • Using various social media tools, through the etmooc, I have connected with and learn from to a wide range of educators from across the globe


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etmooc –

O Etmooc já está aberto faz 1 semana que foi introdutória e apesar da minha inscrição estou sem participar efetivamente. Resolvi portanto fazer um resumo das minhas participações em Moocs anteriores.




CFHE12 que considero o Mooc com a minha efetiva participação mais difícil.…

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12 steps to Addiction Recovery? I Just Want to Have Fun

Hi , I’m Angela and I’m  a MOOCaholic.

That’s the first time I’ve said those words. They don’t sound as bad as I thought they would. Maybe I can live with that.

I’ve completed one MOOC with Coursera (Introduction to Sustainability), I’m about to start two more within a week.…

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Introduction #ETMOOC In My Classroom

In my classroom at the end of the day, I wondered what could I share about me?  Here’s the contribution: About Me #ETMOOC In the Classroom from Sheri Edwards on Vimeo.   What Else? This is a question we ask in my classroom.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs