syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

tracing contoured landscapes

abstract lines

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This week has traced a contoured landscape similar to the image above: Trough, dip, peak, slide and ripple. 

Holidays can be like that, especially when your household is jumbled with young adults coming late/ going soon/ sleeping in/ conspiring.…

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EdTechBlog2013 2013-01-19 06:55:00

Hello ETMOOC Community,

This is my first blog post. Ever. Why now? Well, it’s the first assignment for this course, and I’m on board with your mission. I am looking to build on my skills as an online teacher, and I am considering doctoral programs in educational technology.The

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Beginnings and Endings


Typewriter (Photo credit: toastytreat87)

Well, it has been a very busy week at school – the summative week with my beloved 1st semester classes.  I truly mean it – I have adored my classes this semester.  So this week has been both stressful and emotional. …

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Spinning with POSSIBILITIES!

 Inspiration doesn't favor those who sit still

Flickr Creative Commons Photo Shared by Scott McLeod

One week in. Into WHAT, you ask? Why, #etmooc, of course! Officially, this amazing “connectivist” MOOC, (massive open online course), hasn’t even REALLY begun – it’s been an “orientation” week, of sorts.…

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Introduction to etmooc community

Here is a link to my voki to introduce myself to the etmooc community

To add to this – I teach Maths to Yr 7 to 12 students, and some years I teach junior Science. Our Yr 7 and 8 students are moving into their 3rd year of a 1:1 iPad program.…

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A humbling MOOC experience

I’m studying a number of other MOOCs at the same time as #edcmooc.

One of these is a Coursera course called ‘Think Again: How to Reason and Argue’ taught by the very entertaining Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (Duke University), with over 170,000 students.…

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My first week etmoocing

I heard about the #etmooc on Sunday. I registered to it on Monday and created an introductory video and a etmooc dedicated blog. I started reading everything on the #etmooc blog and felt overwhelmed not knowing what I got myself into, and not fully understanding how a mooc works.…

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Getting Started

After a couple of false starts, here I am with a new blog, keen to make my contribution to etmooc. Having done the introductory activity- a voki introducing myself, setting up a google calendar and yesterday’s session on blogging with Sue Waters, I have already learnt heaps.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs