syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Twitter Archiving

I just finished attending the ETMOOC Twitter session and remembered that Twitter announced recently that you could request an archive of all your tweets.  Turns out this is quite easy to do.  On the web version of Twitter:

  1. Go to your settings (under the cog icon in the top right)
  2. Scroll down to the Your Twitter archive section.  
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Ways to connect with others via Twitter

#etmooc Intro to Twitter

In addition to delivering a helpful intro, Michelle Franz asks, “How do your build your networks via Twitter?”

Answers from the group:

  • By following people I’m likely to meet face to face at conferences.
  • By following people who are in my area of expertise. 
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Poisson Rouge

Poisson Rouge is a website that I found looking for engaging computer activities for my daughter (4 yrs old) and she loves it! The theory behind it is “No text, no instructions, but carefully designed visual environments and soundscapes…”. It really is great.…

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MOS Cert Class 1

Time Flies When You’re Differentiating Instruction

I attribute the success of Monday’s class to my method of using differentiated instruction. I kicked off each segment with a video to create a spark and ignite the working memory. Students were directed to simply listen – and not submit to the temptations of note-taking and keyboard shadowing.…

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Rational discussion of learning analytics

Learning analytics has been one of the big hyped terms in the past year.  Certainly some schools (U of Maryland Baltimore, for example) are doing a lot with the data. But is the investment worth it at this point? Lev Gonick, in the January 2013 Campus Technology, believes it is overhyped.  …

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I have just signed up for my first MOOC!  I am very excited and curious about this, and looking forward to discovering this new world.

For those unfamiliar with MOOCs, a good primer is here.

The MOOC I’ve just joined is ETMOOC, a connectivist MOOC focusing on new and interesting ideas and technologies for educators. …

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I’ll have to make this brief, but you can find a little bit about me on the main page of my blog, or on this mountain or, for those looking for a longread, this post tells the whole story. I look forward to learning from the #ETMOOC community.…

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Class participation redefined

Yesterday’s BB session changed my expectations for discussions–in class or online. When the BB screen was populated with dozens of responses to Alec’s questions, it was clear how little I learn about what my students think when conversations take place one at a time.…

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Update on ETMOOC, Network Building

It’s been a busy week. I’ve continued to reach out to people who are involved in volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs, or who could support the growth of such programs with their time, talent, dollars, etc. I’ve also continued to expand my own knowledge and network by participating in the EductionTechnology MOOC, the JellyWeek event, and my Facebook, Linked In and Ning networks.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs