syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

#ETMooc Introduction

Miles' Tomes

#ETMooc Introduction
Miles' Tomes – Teaching & Learning

Miles MacFarlaneI’m cheating a bit for the #ETMooc introduction by simply copying my blog’s About page content. I’ve been following MOOC discussions on Twitter, reading about MOOCs on blogs, and just generally interested in what it looks and feels like to be a MOOC participant.…

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Getting Started

Just found and joined ETMOOC. See more about me here. I’m pretty sure I’ll be using G+ the most to connect with others as it has quickly become my favorite social (and professional!) networking medium.…

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Making Sense of the Organized Chaos – Digital Literacy vs Digital Fluency


Closeup of the Mandelbrot Se

Last night I participated in my first synchronous session for ETMOOC 2013. What fun! About 200 people from around the world met using Blackboard Collaborate. This online meeting space allowed us to use audio, video, streaming messaging and a shared whiteboard space to launch ETMOOC 2013.  

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Heeeere’s Johnny!

So… I think I’ve started a blog. I really don’t know yet if it’s working and only time will tell. I’ve set this up because of the mooc I’ve joined. #etmooc Sounds like I’ll get out of it what I put into it.…

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ETMOOC Introduction

Well… here goes nothing! 🙂 I played around with Toontastic and brought out my super nerdy side to create this video to introduce myself.

Whew! I bet my first graders would’ve figured it out so much quicker than I did! …

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A Learner’s Tale Wags

I, beginning Hobbit-like
Typing the binary path
That leads to mooc’ish fields and dreams
Shearing off the schaff

Learning more and knowing less
Where this trail may lead
Following with a merry clan
In fellowship do we feed

On clicks of fruit but lately grown
And in our bellies ripen
Stroke by stroke and post by post
The ring of knowledge tighten

With freedom are we likely linked

To go and come again
Will this company of strangers
Become a group of friends?

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My Intro for #ETMOOC

I’m using the #ETMOOC experience as an excuse to push the boundaries of my thoughts surrounding online, participatory learning, technology, identity, community and a lot of psychological assumptions that may very well be culturally conditioned and perhaps without warrant. I want to explore the current conceptions (and misconceptions) of technology in education, digital networks, the constraints that we as a culture have applied to our own learning processes and how the possibility of being autonomous and anonymous while learning affects my own perception of self.…

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#ETMOOC day two.

So, I’m so excited about this!  I ran to my desktop at school this morning and emailed some of the teachers I thought might like to participate in this experience.  So, before the day is over, there might be at least one more joining the fray… possibly more!…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs