syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

What to do with Demotivated Young Learners – an #ELTChat summary

I have always wanted to write one of these summaries for the selfish reason that I was certain that this is the best way to have a really good grasp of the width and depth of the conversation. 140-character, abbreviations-ridden tweets fired at an amazing speed always left me feeling somewhat slow.…

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Genius Hour Wiki Nominated!

I just got very exciting news:

Our Genius Hour WIKI is nominated for 2012 Edublog Awards!
Denise Krebs, Joy Kirr and I co-moderate this wiki together and we are so excited! 

Voting goes on this weekend at

Congratulations to all #geniushour teachers and contributors!

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Genius Hour Wiki Nominated!

I just got very exciting news:

Our Genius Hour WIKI is nominated for 2012 Edublog Awards!
Denise Krebs, Joy Kirr and I co-moderate this wiki together and we are so excited! 

Voting goes on this weekend at

Congratulations to all #geniushour teachers and contributors!

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Coursera announced this week the addition of a Career Services department for students in the organization.  According to the website, students who opt-in for the program will submit a resume and other information to the site, which will be viewable by selected partner companies.  …

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Moocifying High School Learning Environments


MOOCs are Massive Open Online Courses and have been called the Innovative Disruption and Top Tech Trend of the year. (Watters, 2012) The primary reason behind the “disruption” is the break in the traditional hierarchal system of Higher Educational Institutions.  …

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Retrospection with introspection


During this week # 10, I read the LoTi framework and took the LoTi survey. They helped me immensely to assess the level of technology integration into my online teaching and learning expertise.

It helped me to retrospect and introspect the whole process of my online learning and teaching so far: Where I stand exactly on the scale of using technology in my online and hybrid courses, and how much is yet to be active in the ensuing voyage of enhancing my web skills.
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MOOCs – the Public/Private Partnership of Higher Education

Ed tech author Audrey Watters wrote one heck of a MOOC synopsis for the movement’s 2012 history and future.  The look back at 2012 hits a lot of the points this blog has attempted (in more words and with less skill), so it was the look forward that piqued me the most:

But as we see some of the unbundling start to occur, it feels as though there is a re-bundling of sorts.

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Sound, Salt, and May the (mechanical) Force be with you!

Okay 6th graders, what is sound anyway? They brainstormed. They took a pretest. (They will laugh SO HARD when I show them their pretest answers/drawings/reasonings at the end of the unit. Ha!)

They know that sound and light are forms of energy.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs