syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

A ideia de aprendizagem autônoma – PLE

Ao enfrentarmos o desafio de um curso bimodal, em EaD, apresentaram-se instancias que não poderiam  excluir, a estes futuros professores, um conhecimento atualizado e que faz referencia à web2.0.

Desta forma a Pedagogia aplicada poderia ampliar o conhecimento dos futuros professores como aprendizes do sec.XXI.
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The Ivy and the Ive

So the MOOCs as the disruption, because change simple can’t be continual. Perhaps drastic change is a more dynamic source of momentum, an educational shock doctrine if you will that those opposed to it must simple be little more than useful idiots.…

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#etmooc: The Inevitable Slide Into Grumpiness

Still Discovering my Story

Dad, Oxford

Here’s my Dad, a budding scientist working on his PhD at The Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford, 1960. It was a happening place for biochemical studies at that time, he was part of a team working on the structure of haemoglobin.…

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A experiência da mediação – feedbacks

O retorno, da atenção, do tutor a distância deve acontecer em qualquer interface.
E a minha inciativa, para com a mediação no blog coletivo, ocorreu entre as postagens efetivadas pelos diversos autores, como em um jogo de ping-pong! Um verdadeiro toma lá, dá cá!!!!!
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10+ Professional Development Tips for ELT

Webinar by Shelly Terrell
·         Social Networks:

PLE (Personal Network Environments)
PLN (Personal Learning Network) Free Friday Webinars Links & Resources Virtual Round Table Conference is an annual web conference for language learning technologies.
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War / Peace : OER Asymmetry

I’ve spent the week (proper work, not internet randomness) up to my neck in a VLE, coupled with the odd breakout into WordPress. It is hard when dealing with an open source system to want to criticise it, but, hypocritical klaxon alert, the interface on our VLE isn’t exactly easy to use.…

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End of the university semester has brought somewhat of a lull in the MOOC landscape…which would give me a chance to catch up on historical or theoretical reading, but it’s the end of my semester too.  I will continue to post, but I would imagine it to be slow going for the next month, to pick up again with reckless abandon in January 2013.…

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I am educator. I am me.

I have been thinking lately about how I conduct myself on social media.  After reading George Couros‘ blog post on Professional vs Private I reflected on my own use of social media.  I too have tended to separate my personal life which generally lives on Facebook and my professional life which predominantly lives in Twitter.  …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs