syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Exit Cards – Confusion, Confusion, Confusion

renjith krishnan /

 I was excited about exit cards today, but the results were not so exciting!

I asked my students to complete exit cards today as a blog comment.  Not really successful.  The exit card was pretty basic as the material was a review. 

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Loading... Excitement

Over the past few months I’ve become an enthusiastic advocate and user of It is no longer in Beta and has now gone public. It is a fantastic way to compile resources on a single topic and to share these resources with others who can choose to follow your updates.…

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Introducing Literature Circles

Image: tungphoto /

I introduced literature circles to my class this year by using  The Pearl by John Steinbeck.  As suggested in much of the literature on this teaching strategy, we began the process using roles sheets.  The premise for this idea is for students to learn to work collaboratively and gain confidence and trust in working in groups through the use of the role sheets.
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Let It Snow

Image: Maggie Smith /

Today it snowed both inside and out as I used a “snowball” activity to introduce our wikispace literature discussions and appropriately Mother Nature gave us our first snowfall to set the stage. 

We have been discussing John Steinbeck’s The Pearl through literature circles. 
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#ECOO11 – Great connections, conversations and learning

ECOO11 was a first for me for many reasons. It was my first time attending. It was my first time meeting people face to face that I had communicated with on twitter. AND, it was my first time a conference was so closely connected to my current professional PD that the conversations, and learnings are continuing and building as we continue to connect.…

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Working on my ‘plan’ …

Up early this morning to work on my first assignment for my course which is outlining my ‘plan’ for my personal inquiry narrative. My final product for this project will include text, video and images so while I was working on my ‘plan’ I ended up creating two wordles using words I use to describe how I learn and words that I value as an educator…

Alana as Learner

Alana as Educator

While I tend to shy away from using labels or descriptors I am comfortable with the label of learner…

What words do you use to describe yourself as a learner?…

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Unplug’d 11: 25 Kilometres later

It’s been six weeks since the unplug’d11 community said goodbye and we all headed back to our regular lives. But we were not the same people returning to our normal routine. Many of us had formed friendships with people we had never met before based on common passions, and we had experienced an openness with each other that we believed was rare in a classical PD venue.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs